Childfree - what is it, childfree among celebrities

Expression of views on life issues is a sign of a democratic society, but is it important to change all conservative approaches to eternal questions and what will happen in 100 years if we demonstrate an "unconventional" attitude to the basics of family values-the birth and upbringing of children. What is this childfree - the choice of personal values ​​or a trap?

Childfree - who is this?

Childfree are people of mature age who consciously decided not to have children and build life based on personal freedom. If you precisely formulate who the childfree is, you should understand that they are not included in people whose health does not give them the opportunity to give birth to a child or those who postpone the birth of a child for several years for some specific reasons. Childfree make a choice - refusing to continue genus forever, sometimes demonstrating their position, resorting to radical methods of contraception - doing sterilization.

Childfree - the norm of time or deviation?

The development of society is based on the continuation of the family. The experience acquired over the years is usually passed on to the younger generation with more recent approaches to the issues studied. To give birth and raise children is one of the vocations of a person and the development of each backgammon is formed on such a social norm. With the advent of the process of emancipation, a relatively new movement - a fashion for the lack of children - was formed. For most people chayldfri - mental deviation, but it is worthwhile to understand the reasons for this position, dividing the problem into two parts:

Psychology chayldfri

Adherents of such a charter put forward arguments and arguments that the childfree is normal and the vital values ​​of each person should be in the first place. To spoil a career or figure for the sake of the child is stupid and wrong, and for the care of the born one does not need to waste time and money. If at a young age a psychologically immature person expresses such a position - he is afraid of responsibility, a lack of life experience, which is quite normal. Quite differently sounds the life principle of "childfree" from the lips, held in society, financially secured, mature people.

Philosophy of Childfree

Expressing his life priority, the ideology of childfree justifiably follows personal rules and satisfies only one's own needs, builds relationships on the principles of free love and sexual pleasures. In the modern world, entire groups of "equally thinking" childfrey are openly formed, but such a phenomenon is usually considered a degradation of society, a spiritual decomposition.

Childfree and Childhead - what's the difference?

There are differences between what kind of teafree and childhead is. If the first of them condescendingly treat children, the second group is the hated haters of children, not only those who are not actually born, but all the others, which, in principle, are openly reported. They express categorical protests against pregnant women, allow themselves to make insults to mothers and children in public places and networks of the Internet. Aggressive childheaders are people with childhood trauma, requiring competent treatment from specialists.

Childfree - the pros and cons

Calling the advantages of childfree, we can say that the birth and upbringing of children takes several years of life. To build a career for a woman who decided not to become a mother easily. The cost of physical forces is reduced to a minimum, the figure does not deteriorate, there is time for proper rest, you can dispose of free time and money at will. A man in such cases argues his position on the lack of responsibility and psychological burden. After listening to such arguments, one can also name a bunch of significant counterbalances - the disadvantages of childfree:

Why does everyone hate childfree?

To accept and understand the position of the "dissident" for some people becomes problematic. Aggressively minded chayldfri cause in most people a negative reaction and it's not the goal here - to live life without having children, but in active propaganda and ridicule of the foundations of the family and procreation, female motherhood. Childfrey Hunter equated the natural process of the birth and upbringing of children to a lower animal instinct, to which lowly intelligent people are capable. Such statements for the majority are immoral and cause an adequate perturbation reaction.

How to become chillyfri?

Active advertising movement chayldfri - a fashionable trend that gives a person the choice to dispose of life's resources at full strength, emerged in the late 70's of last century. To say that people, consciously leading a childless lifestyle before that time was not - it is impossible, but public propaganda of the life of teafrey was not accurate. The founder of the movement is Margaret Sanger - initiator of ideas on birth control.

Childfree - Orthodoxy

The main ideology and subculture of Childfree contradicts all Christian principles. The birth of children is the basis of all religions, the exception is people who have completely dedicated their lives to God. The family in Orthodoxy is based on mutual understanding and patience, sacrificing their own interests - giving birth to children, a person leaves an heir on earth who will then offer prayers.

Childfrey among celebrities

The first celebrity chillyfd appeared in Hollywood. Pictures of beautiful successful people without children, formed in the interlayer of society the view that achieving recognition by giving up a child is much easier. The statement of the idol that he will not become a parent, encourages to follow such an example. The illusion of a happy personality evokes the envy of a fan, shapes the desire to make achievements without the burden of children.

  1. Jennifer Aniston - Childfree. The star of the series "Friends" at the age of 47 has no children and does not want to have them, she says that a fully-fledged woman does not necessarily have to think about a child, at least 18 years of age. On the attention of journalists about her figure, who more than once attributed pregnancy to the actress, she reacts with a sharp refutation.
  2. Jennifer Aniston

  3. Renee Zellweger - Childfree. Often states in an interview with the media that the maternal instinct is alien to her, and maternity itself is slavery. To sit with nephews for an actress is not a problem, but she does not have free time to give birth to her own children.
  4. René Zellweger

  5. Bozena Rynska - Childfree. On the negative statements of the secular lioness about the children, journalists often accentuate attention. She was of the opinion that children can be unsuccessful and become a tragedy.
  6. Bozena Rynska

  7. Zemfira is a childfree. The singer has repeatedly stated that the main goal of life considers creativity, recognizes that sex and money are important to her, and family values ​​are not for her. There is information that it helps children from orphanages.
  8. Zemfira

The proverb that "a bad example is contagious" is relevant to this day. In the fact that a person decides to live without a baby, a few more years would cause a storm of indignation, but now this way of life is an example for some. Change the turn of events can be up to a certain age, then there will be only regrets about irretrievably spent years of life, and who knows, maybe in 60-70 years people realize that they made a mistake - they spent time on themselves loved ones, and those who want to penetrate care about him - no.