Who are the jeans boyfriends?

Female jeans-boyfriends look a bit baggy and too big, as if the girl took them off her friend. They are called to create the image of the girl-girl. Many young women of fashion love this model for its simplicity and style. However, it must be understood that they are not suitable for all. About the one to whom jeans-boyfriends go and how they ideally should sit, let's talk in this article.

How to choose, and who can wear jeans boyfriends?

First of all, you need to clearly realize that such things are more suitable for young and slender girls. At the same time, growth does not matter at all. Chubby, in principle, you can also find your model. The main thing is to choose the size, so that the jeans do not add extra pounds, but they stay slightly too big and perform their basic function. That is, the boyfriends must remain themselves, and not turn into ordinary trousers.

Women of middle age need to be cautious and restrained, choosing jeans-boyfriends - tattered, with a lot of rivets and locks will look a little weird on an adult man. Therefore, it is better to stop the choice of a simple, straight cut and without extra hardware accessories.

With what to wear jeans-boyfriends?

With boyfriend style jeans, you can create different images. For example, you can play in contrast and pick up feminine shoes with heels to the baggy trousers. Graceful sandals with a thin strap and medium heel fit perfectly. Do not like a heel? Then put on loaches or moccasins. In such shoes you will just flit.

To complement the image can be a wide rough belt on the belt and a podkat pants. And if you add a laconic white blouse or T-shirt to it, you will get a full impression that you took off jeans from other people's hips.

Very fond of women of fashion combine boyfriends with vests. Start with this option, if for the first time you want to wear such jeans. In a cool period, boldly warmed with a simple sweater, jacket, short jacket or military jacket.

And do not forget about the handbag - it should be big and noticeable. For example, it can become a bag-briefcase or a large bag-trapezium. No little clutches with rhinestones - you run the risk of looking ridiculous.