Maternal instinct

Maternal instinct is a rather controversial phenomenon at the present time, which before was supposed to be understood as an innate willingness of the mother to take care of her baby and protect him. If before the innate nature of the mother's instinct was almost never questioned, now the opinion of scientists on this issue is diverging. The question was raised in the popular TV show "Let them talk" in the issue "Paralysis of the Mother's Instinct".

When does maternal instinct arise?

Maternal instinct is a mechanism that makes a woman take care of her offspring. In fact, it's hard work without days off and holidays 24 hours a day. Usually, for the appearance of a maternal instinct, the following points are required:

  1. Presence of attractive samples in the mind. When a girl has seen since childhood, how mom nurse a baby, she herself, most likely, will repeat this in her life.
  2. An important factor is the imprint of the child by the mother. This occurs if the child is immediately put on the breast of his mother after delivery, but in all other situations this remains in question.
  3. Some live experiences that are related to birth, and it does not matter whether it is positive or negative. This is why caesarean section and pain relievers are considered undesirable.
  4. Understanding the maternal scenario, and as a consequence - inclusion in it. When the mother starts taking care of the baby, she begins to like it, and she soon becomes addicted to it.

In this case, maternal instinct usually suppresses fears, because the new social status gives the woman very much - a sense of one's own need for a living being, self-esteem, respect from relatives and others. In addition, any disagreement with the spouse is now decided in his favor to the young mother much easier.

Lack of maternal instinct

It is proved that the maternal instinct is developed and continues to be maintained not by all women. For the proof of this fact it is possible to address in any maternity home to the ward of refuseniks - newborns whose mothers left children.

In the sensational issue of the TV show "Let them talk", a case was considered when a young mother of a child with a severe form of cerebral palsy abandoned the child and her husband, filed a divorce and even seized some of the property, even though the father continues to look after the baby and is trying to put him on his toes.

Of course, the mother of the baby caused a sharp condemnation. Saying aloud that you do not love the child, or leave him, if you are a woman, is the right path to public reprimand, when, for men, such behavior today meets rather languid protests. This proves the huge percentage of single mothers whose husbands simply fled, leaving the woman with the baby. About such men do not make television programs - this is almost the norm. But the woman supposedly "must" love the child.

In fact, in our consumer society, when there is often more than one child in families, and that is often "accidental," there is a clear trend towards new life vectors. Now women are striving for independence, self-realization. Maternity drives a woman into certain limits, makes her dependent on a man, and often accompanies material problems. Not everyone is ready to go for it.

In connection with this, the Childfree movement - the childless childless people - has a great popularity in the world - they can have children, but do not want. Women's forums in the network are increasingly raising the question "Is it normal that I do not have a maternal instinct?". Many are sympathetic, others tell how they took the children by someone else's pointer and regretted, and usually there are those who seek to explain in a rude way that the maternal instinct must be and its absence is almost a disease.

In fact, everything is explained simply: scientists believe that about 7-8% of women maternal instinct is simply absent, which means that the reluctance to have children is scientifically justified and is in fact the norm for some women.