Psychology of women driving a car

Almost every man once said in his life, "A woman is driving like a monkey with a grenade," and also recalls "female logic". Women are offended, because this is absolutely not true, but simply a male stereotype and unsuccessful humor. "Weak sex" is managed with a car no worse than strong, but still there are several factors that give the right to come up with different jokes.

Woman's nature

By nature, man and woman are different, which directly affects the style of driving:

  1. The first difference is sight. The woman is best developed peripheral vision, she catches all the nuances and small details, to which men do not pay attention at all. In some women, peripheral vision reaches 180 degrees. Because of this, a woman at the wheel can be distracted by all the little things that she sees on the sides. The "stronger sex" has more developed tunnel vision, that is, they evaluate what they see ahead. To learn this, a woman needs to pass some time, a little practice and everything will turn out.
  2. Women do not orient themselves so well in space, which is especially noticeable during parking.
  3. Women, in comparison with men, do not orient themselves so well in the dark, because of this they can not distinguish which strip the moving car is driving at dusk.
  4. It is proved that the decision of the girl is much slower than the men because of this often fall into an accident. It is also difficult for ladies to think through the correct maneuver.
  5. When a woman experiences strong emotional stress , she may fall into a "stupor", because of this, and there was a myth that during an accident a woman throws the steering wheel and closes her eyes with her hands.


All women want to be perceived behind the wheel just like men. But a strong half of humanity does not want to put up with this, since a woman should not manage anything in life, not even an ordinary car. This affects the ladies themselves, as they are used to being manageable and therefore they have to get used to a new role.

Male factor

Negative opinion of men has a strong enough influence on every woman who sits behind the wheel of a car. Therefore, if you want to learn how to operate the machine yourself, then refuse the help of a man who will sit next to him and constantly indicate what to do.

If you have the opportunity to buy a personal car, and not ask him from your husband, then do it, because for them the car is a treasure that they do not want to share.

You need to understand that on the road you will meet with men who will not be happy. Even with the slightest oversights and doubts, you will hear disapproving car signals and comments of "gentlemen-motorists". Such actions further increase the stress experienced by the lady at the wheel.

Woman driving

Despite everything, every day more and more women-motorists appear on the roads. Depending on the temperament, intelligence and period of driving, the following classification exists:

  1. "Snail" experience driving less than a month. These ladies drive the car very carefully and carefully, they are slow and very accurate.
  2. "Caterpillar" has a driving experience of up to six months. Such women lead more sharply, because they consider themselves professionals. She does not care about the opinions of others, the main thing is that she was comfortable.
  3. "Wasp" is a driving experience of up to a year. Such women behave aggressively and often inadequately, because of them on the road are formed emergency situations.
  4. "Bee" is different from "Wasps" by its calmness. Such women are good drivers, they observe all the rules, drive calmly and responsibly.