Hallucinations in children

Children's hallucinations are a common phenomenon, but it should not be confused with illusions. Hallucinations are colorful spontaneously appearing objects, events or sounds that are not really there, while illusions are just an inadequate perception by the child of anything present in the real world.

Hallucinations in children - causes

Researches of scientists showed that auditory hallucinations in children most often occur at the age of 7-8 years, when the child goes to the first class. However, more than fifteen percent of the interviewed children claim that hallucinations in no way interfere with them in their daily lives and studies. There are similar phenomena regardless of the sex of the baby and his location.

Hallucinations can also occur in children during fever. This is due to the fact that at a high temperature there is a clouding of consciousness, there is weakness and aches in the whole body, which means that the mind can not control the mind and the child begins to rave. Leaving him alone in this state is impossible in any case, since hallucinations in children are of a fickle nature and can easily develop into fears, thereby causing the baby's anxiety.

The most dangerous form of hallucinations is considered to be night hallucinations in children, which are more common than others. Parents, whose children are afraid to go to bed, often wake up at night , write in a dream and cry, it is important to find out what exactly the child is worried about. Do not blame the kid for his fears, in no way claim that there is nothing, and he thinks it all up. So you will not help your child! Such kind of fears and experiences sometimes pass with time, but they do not disappear without a trace. Night hallucinations in children can greatly reduce immunity, develop into anxious states or neurosis-like and psychosomatic manifestations.

Some scientists are sure that worry about hallucinations in the child is not worth it, because in time they will pass by themselves. However, there is an opposite opinion of specialists who argue that the occurrence of auditory hallucinations in children is nothing more than a predisposition of the child to a number of mental illnesses. Children's hallucinations require serious immediate treatment, as these are not just whims that will eventually pass, but a disease.