Hypnosis for weight loss

We know a lot of classic ways to lose weight and many of them tried on themselves. Someone, just beginning to diet, because of severe difficulties, immediately threw this matter, and someone quickly dropped the weight immediately returned. Tired of the eternal failures in the fight against excess weight, we infrequently fall into a deep depression, and even worse - we recruit even more. So how to be in this situation?

If you tried the habitual methods of losing weight and this did not give positive results, then we suggest that you turn to the so-called non-traditional methods. These include: sessions of acupuncture , communication with a psychotherapist and finally - weight loss with the help of hypnosis. We will devote the topic to the latter today.

As is known, hypnosis is understood as a special state like sleep, in which a person is most susceptible to suggestion and is resistant to criticism. Many to this method are rather skeptical, someone on the contrary, having felt all the power of hypnosis, does not agree to anything else. So can you lose weight under hypnosis or not? We will try to understand this.

It turns out that the main problem that accompanies us on the way to losing weight is not the desire to listen to your body. We do not know the reasons for our excess weight, or the decisions that are right for our body, we just want to somehow get rid of the accumulated kilograms. Hypnosis, however, is effective for losing weight by solving the problem of excess weight from the inside, which is a truly right way. But notice, hypnosis will be effective only if there are two criteria: a highly qualified specialist and with your big desire to lose weight.

Step One: find out the reasons for excess weight

The most common cause of excess weight is overeating. Why do we overeat? Perhaps we are looking for a calming food from stressful situations or we want to "seize" unpleasant feelings, emotions, or maybe just make up the lack of positive food. Or the reason lies deep inside. Perhaps at some point in your childhood you were lacking food and you are trying to catch up. Be afraid of a love relationship with the opposite sex and automatically make your body unattractive. Or maybe just lead a sedentary lifestyle and abuse alcohol? First of all, the hypnotherapist will find out the reasons for your excess weight and make up an individual program and only after that will proceed to hypnosis.

Step two: trust the hypnotherapist!

The session of hypnosis for weight loss, as a rule, is as follows:

  1. First of all, the hypnotherapist will introduce you into a relaxed state. The more relaxed you are, the more receptive to "communication". You are still conscious, but not as critical as you are, your mind is calm. This state is called a "trance".
  2. Depending on your reasons and the goals of losing weight, hypnoterpheus makes various suggestions in the present tense. For example: "You no longer want to eat high-calorie foods, but prefer only vegetables and fruits." Thus, he will set you up for a true lifestyle, where you do not have to fight with yourself. The more clearly you express your goals and inquiries to the hypnotherapist, the more effectively you will undergo hypnosis sessions for you.

Step three: save the result

Hypnosis for weight loss "will put things in order" in your mind, you will begin to think in a new way, relate to food in a new way. In the end, you will cease to live to eat, eat up "in reserve" and create a certain cult from food. You will only eat when you are hungry. The more hypnosis sessions you visit, the clearer the result will be. Losing weight without diets is real, hypnosis will set the right direction to the desired results.

Of course, everyone decides whether losing weight under hypnosis is effective, but it's worth trying. It has no side effects, and if it does, the result will persist for many years.