Serous cystadenoma of the ovary

To benign cystic ovarian formations is the smooth-walled cystadenoma of the ovary. This is a single or multi-chambered formation filled with a liquid, measuring from 1 cm and less to 30-35 cm. With small dimensions of the formation, the course is asymptomatic, with growth possible pains in the lower abdomen of different intensity, an increase in the abdomen in size. Upon examination, a round, elastic, mobile and non-painful formation is found that is difficult to distinguish from the follicular cyst even on ultrasound - it is an anechogenous round thin-walled formation on the ovary. If serous cystadenoma of the ovary is diagnosed, then its treatment is only operative, followed by a histological study of the formation.

Serous papillary cystadenoma of the ovary - what is it?

Another benign cystic formation on the ovaries is a serous papillary cystadenoma , which differs from one smooth-walled granulation growth into the lumen of the cyst. This tumor often degenerates into a malignant one, but with slow growth initially does not cause symptoms and is detected by chance.

Symptomatics does not differ from any other symptomatology of cysts, but ultrasound, other than anehogenous cystic formations, reveals parietal growths inside the cyst. It is practically impossible to distinguish benign papillary cystadenoma from a malignant tumor without histological examination and a blood test for oncomarkers. But even benign papillary cystadenoma is removed promptly, since its degeneration into a malignant tumor occurs in 50% of cases.

Mucinous cystadenoma

Another type of benign cystic tumors is mucinous cystadenoma, which is performed by mucous contents. It is a multi-chamber cyst, which often grows to gigantic sizes - up to 30-50 cm, cyst treatment is prompt.

Serous adenocarcinoma of the ovaries

In the degeneration of serous papillary cystadenoma, another tumor may appear-serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary, which shows all the signs of a malignant process-with rapid growth, including in neighboring organs, symptoms of intoxication and metastases to the lymph nodes and distant organs and systems. Diagnosis of the tumor is performed with a cytological or histological examination, during which the degree of differentiation of its cells is determined. Treatment depends on the stage of the tumor and can be prompt, conservative or symptomatic.