Types of outlook - a classification, which prevail in modern society?

Types of worldview have changed along with the evolution of man and the formation of moral, ethical and cultural values. Epochs replace one another, some views on the world remain unchanged, and continue to influence the human society, others disappear without a trace.

The worldview of its structure and historical types

World outlook - a set of common and personal views, people's attitudes to the world and interaction with it. Types of human outlook for one and the same personality can be of different properties. The structure of the worldview consists of separate elements and connections between them. Structure levels:

Elements of the world outlook:

The so-called triad of established views of the worldview from ancient times deserves attention, without understanding of which it is impossible to fully understand how a person's worldview is formed, on which he bases himself. Historical types of outlook of their features:

  1. Mythological - the oldest type of worldview, associated with the forces of nature and reverence for them, reverence in the form of a host of gods.
  2. Religious - people already have a source of knowledge, Scripture with its dogmas, precepts, monotheism is formed and with it spirituality.
  3. Philosophical - reliance on the intellect, free-thinking and the never-ending search for truth, justification of views on the world, reinforcement of their logical arguments, reasoning, the work of reason.

The main types of worldview

Historically formed types of outlook: mythological, religious and philosophical are present in views on the world and in modern people to a greater or lesser extent. What types of worldview exist in each particular form can be learned from special religious and philosophical sources, and reading ancient myths can bring us closer to understanding the processes that occur to man in dealing with a frightening and larger world.

Types of worldview in philosophy

Classification of types of world outlook in philosophy is reduced to reflexive ways of cognizing the world, which include:

  1. Universalism is a form of cognition of being on the basis of universal laws of wisdom and universal principles of moral and spiritual values.
  2. Substantialism - all philosophers tend to explain the world order, relying on a single sustainable beginning.

Philosophical worldview is built on doubts, which are the subject of reflection. The philosopher, in search of truth, criticizes customs, everyday phenomena, traditional values ​​and moral norms. All that passes the test of time and forms under itself a demonstrative basis is put by philosophers on a solid foundation of knowledge, the rest is discarded as obsolete and exhausted.

Mythological type of world outlook

Mythology as a type of worldview is full of emotional experiences and images. For a primitive person, a myth is an integral part of thinking and attitudes to life; it is a material created reality, everything can be described with the help of myth. For ancient people, mythological thinking was akin to science and answered many vital questions:

Religious type of outlook

Considering types and types of worldview it is important to see in each value that they carry in themselves. Religion has brought a new meaning to life and purpose. God as the highest authority unites people. Religious worldview divides the world into earthly existence during life and supernatural - after death the soul is sent to a place corresponding to its merits in heaven or hell. Religious consciousness is based on faith, which does not need scientific evidence. For a believer, proof of the existence of God is mystical, ecstatic experiences.

Science as a type of worldview

Types of outlook would not have been complete without the inclusion of a scientific one in them that has begun to dominate since the 18th century. What types of worldview does science stand out from now on? All the same historically formed triad: mythological, philosophical and religious. Historians and archaeologists have many scientific substantiations and facts why and how this or that worldview was formed. The methods of cognition contributed to the formation of scientific views of the world:

Types of outlook - the pros and cons

Types of outlook for each person can have a different ratio and from this the picture of the world looks individual, although it has common features in the majority. One can believe in God and be at the same time a fine scientist based on real facts, and you can combine in yourself and the mythological and religious consciousness and at the same time be in this very harmoniously. What type of outlook is the most correct - there is no right answer to this question. Types of outlook strong and weak points:

  1. Mythological worldview - gives a link between generations, allows you to creatively and creatively look at the world, see it as a powerful manifestation of nature, but in itself it is spontaneous and irrational and distorted.
  2. Religious is similar to mythological in terms of illusory perception of the world, but it gives a person to adhere to social and moral norms, generally accepted values, and promotes unity.
  3. Philosophical - combines an irrational view of the world with the scientific and complements the mythological and religious.
  4. Scientific worldview - explains the world with the help of theories, facts, what was previously thought to be from the category of miracles gets its scientific justification, but not everything lends itself to logic and reason.

What types of worldview prevail in modern society?

Types and types of the worldview of modern man undergo changes - the age of digital technology, permissiveness and accessibility of what was previously banned and condemned - today is the norm of life. The crisis of spirituality and loss of values ​​had a strong impact on people's outlook, representatives of various faiths never tire of saying whether this is really the case - time will tell.