What is a person's outlook - his forms, types and principles of formation

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the arrangement of the surrounding world, they have determined their place in it and the relation both to each other and to themselves. This perception of the world or world outlook determined the person's life position, his behavior and aspirations. For more on what a worldview is, see this article.

What is a person's worldview?

Man - a being reasonable, able to think and predict the consequences of their actions, to seek funds for the realization of their goals. All this determines his world outlook. Natural instincts, experience, scientific and practical activities form a system of views, assessments and imaginative representation of the world. Functions of the world view are the organization, meaningfulness and purposefulness of the individual's activities. That is, the worldview is determined by beliefs, a vital position and moral and ethical values.

How is the worldview formed?

The overall picture of the world is formed in the process of education, training and socialization in society. In general, the formation of a worldview is a very slow and gradual process and depends on the quality of individual knowledge. Young people with insufficient experience and knowledge have an unstable worldview, which makes them an easy target for different manipulators - politicians, representatives of religion, etc. As we grow older, the system of life values ​​strengthens, determining the behavior of the individual and acting as a guide to action.

The worldview of its forms and forms

There are certain components of the world perception:

  1. Knowledge . They can be scientific, professional and practical. This is the first element of any worldview. The larger the circle of knowledge, the more firmly the life position.
  2. Feelings . Types of outlook manifest themselves in accordance with the subjective reaction of a person to external stimuli. Depending on the mental state, the reaction can be both positive, and associated with joy and pleasure, and negative, imprisoned in sorrow, grief, fear. They also distinguish a moral form - it is a duty, responsibility.
  3. Values . The concept of worldview is closely related to values. They can be meaningful, useful and harmful, but their perception occurs through the prism of their own goals, interests and needs.
  4. Actions are positive and negative. So a person manifests his own views and ideas in practice.
  5. Beliefs are firm, strong-willed. This is a combination of personal and public views, which are a kind of engine and the basis of life.
  6. Character - will, faith, doubt. On the basis of the ability for independent and conscious actions, self-confidence , trust in others and self-criticism, a worldview is formed and developed.

Philosophical Worldview

It is defined as system-theoretical. From the mythological world view, it is distinguished by a high role of reason: if the myth uses emotions and feelings as a support, then philosophy uses logic and evidence. This type of attitude is studied by the forces ruling the world. Philosophy and world view simultaneously emerged in ancient India, China and Greece. In this worldview can exist outside of philosophy, but philosophy itself forms a worldview. Philosophical knowledge is elitist and not accessible to everyone. Rare scholarly men are addicted to it.

Religious Worldview

It arose on the basis of mythological and is based on belief in supernatural forces. As the religious currents developed, many mythological features disappeared into oblivion, and hard dogmatism and a system of moral precepts remained. Types of outlook, including piety and holiness, imply a dependence on higher powers. At the heart of this worldview is the fear of the unknown. A holistic religious worldview was formed when indisputable systems of dogmas appeared, commandments determining the sinfulness and sanctity of certain thoughts and actions.

Mythological worldview

This type was formed in the conditions of primitive society, when the image-based perception of the world lay at the basis. Mythology is closely connected with paganism and acts as a set of myths, spiritualizing material objects and phenomena. Such a person's worldview is implicated in the sacral and profane, but the foundation is faith. By tradition, a follower of this attitude can rise to the level of a god, and all the established myths were useful from a practical point of view and were the guide to action.

Scientific worldview

This worldview arose as the opposite of the mythological and religious. The scientific picture of the world is based on the concepts of law and regularity. The main types of worldview - mythological and religious ones are based on invented, arbitrary and supernatural causes, and science develops in the course of complicating labor, solving practical problems. Such a progressive worldview provides an opportunity to draw new knowledge from previously acquired knowledge. Rationality, transferred to religion and mythology, gave impetus to the development of philosophy.

Ordinary worldview

This attitude is formed by itself in every person and is the core of common sense. The peculiarities of the world outlook are that, in part, its development depends on genetic heredity. In the course of education by parents, communication with friends and relatives, contact with the environment, values, priorities and attitudes are formed, which, to puberty, acquire the features of a completely defined worldview. The most important in this process are the peculiarities of the native language and the degree of its assimilation, as well as labor and implements.

Historical worldview

In history, the types of perception of the world remain the same - it's mythological, religious and philosophical. Those who are interested in what kind of worldview is, it is worth saying that the first was a myth - a fictional plot, the fruit of the popular imagination. Religion is closely connected with mythology: they both presuppose the presence of a mythological system and provide the basis for myths on faith. Philosophy is a special way of knowing, because what is a worldview is a theory or science that studies the fundamental principles of being and cognition.

How to change the worldview?

The worldview is able to undergo changes in the course of a person's growing up, gaining new knowledge. It often happens that after an event people completely change their lives and views on it. Inveterate atheists become votserkovlennymi people, and experienced businessmen throw everything and retire in some quiet place. The worldview of the person can be improved, strive for moral ideals, learning new things, communicating with different people, traveling. It is necessary to read a lot - psychological, philosophical literature.

The worldview of modern man

In the period of the collapse of the Soviet Union, a world outlook crisis emerged, which was the result of the collapse of ideals and did not succeed in forming new ones. In the era of consumption, characteristic of the present time, such moral guidelines as duty, honor, responsibility have lost their significance. "You deserve it" - everyone hears from the TV screens and seeks to match. Modern worldview in the era of globalization is to reduce the importance of national culture and the alienation of its values.

The meaning of life people began to see in the enjoyment. The connection with the native land, ancestors, other relations in marriage, principles of education of children is lost. At the same time, an increasing number of people are becoming aware of the need for change. The outlook in psychology has become more humanistic. A person wants to be in harmony with himself , nature and other people. The number of temples, charitable foundations and organizations for environmental protection is growing.

Books that change a person's worldview

In the world there are many authors who study the meaning of human existence. These include:

  1. Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho . Of particular interest are the works entitled "Alchemist", "Pilgrimage . "
  2. Books that change the world view, write many experts in psychology. Among them, Louise Hay , who helped many people survive the negative emotions, change their thinking and even be healed of certain ailments, because such a world view is a value system, and it can be changed if it worsens the quality of life.
  3. Another author is Alex Baichow . His work "The habit of being happy" is a short course on self-development, which tells how to manage one's habits for the sake of achieving such a goal as happiness.
  4. In his manuscript "The White Book" Viktor Vasiliev leads psychological techniques that provide an opportunity to change themselves as a person, because the worldview is its "I", but if you only add some strokes to your psychological portrait , you can change your view of life.