Business psychology - how to tune in to success?

Successful trading in a modern market is not an easy task, so many corporations employ staff of psychologists who study complex aspects of science such as business psychology. The main thing that ensures success in business is a good motivation. Plus to that:

Business psychology - what is it?

Experienced psychologists have already figured out what the psychology of business is. From the scientific point of view, this is a young branch of psychology, which absorbed the basics of sociology, economics and pure psychology, taking into account the conditions for the development of society. From the point of view of practical application, business psychology is a skill:

  1. Form an independent team from the team.
  2. Properly distribute management functions.
  3. To gather a group of specialists of different skill levels.
  4. Pick up a team whose members can replace each other.
  5. Find professionals with a narrow specialization, taking into account business issues.

The role of psychology in business

Psychology for business has already become an integral part of the process, it is important to consider that success is not only motivation. Business exists due to competent communication, and the guarantee of success is the ability to effectively negotiate or conclude a deal. A psychologically well-formed approach will help:

Psychology in business also includes the knowledge of kinesics, a science that studies facial expressions and gestures . Experts argue that, no matter how cleverly deceived a person is, he is given unconscious gestures. Having studied what gestures mean in behavior, you can learn to hear not sounded text and draw the right conclusions, isolate the most important of the proposals and yield in the secondary. This knowledge will help to protect yourself from scammers and choose the right strategy of behavior in dealing with people .

Psychology of success in business

Experienced businessmen are sure that success in business depends on the mood of the team. Therefore, psychology in business takes into account this rule: everyone should believe the leader and together make efforts to achieve a good result. This effect can not be achieved if the leader does not believe in himself, is afraid of innovation and risk, doubts the decisions taken. The leader does not believe - the team will not believe, then the case is doomed to failure. If the leader is able to convince others that all difficulties are temporary, that after the storm the sun will always come out, such a collective will stand up in any crisis.

The psychology of successful business includes 2 criteria:

  1. Faith in one's own strength.
  2. No fear of failure.

Psychology of relations in business

A very important element of success in business is the properly structured hierarchy of "boss-subordinate" relationships. Ideas should be implemented taking into account the interests of the whole team, and then psychology and business go hand in hand. We need to find a common ground, and then success is assured, for this it is necessary to take into account several points. If for a manager the interest implies:

For subordinates, interest is concentrated in such moments:

Psychology in Business and Management

Not every entrepreneur can afford to hire an experienced specialist in the field of business psychology. Therefore, qualified psychologists offer already developed programs in the field of "management and business psychology", which will help in solving business problems. For those who have decided to independently develop and implement their strategy, it is important to consider and encourage:

Psychology of business - books

Even the best business psychology programs can not replace the advice of experienced businessmen who have reached a high level in their field of activity. These recommendations are set out in books, both foreign and domestic millionaires, from which it is possible to gather a lot of valuable information. On the Internet you can find a list offering the best books on business psychology:

  1. Richard Branson. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it. "
  2. Steven Covey. "7 skills of highly effective people."
  3. Napoleon Hill. "Think and get rich".
  4. Gleb the Archangel. "Time-drive. How to manage to live and work. "
  5. Henrik Fekseus. "The art of manipulation."