Fear of cluster holes

Fear of cluster holes scientifically called tryptophobia. It does not suffer from such a small number of people. The essence of this condition is that a person experiences an inexplicable fear at the sight of small holes or small rhythmically repeating patterns. Psychologists believe that this way manifests an archaic fear of poisonous snakes and insects.

What is the fear of cluster holes?

In some people, these manifestations reach even the fear of holes in the body. They are horrified and disgusted at the sight of enlarged pores, scars, traces left by burns, etc. They begin to get nervous, tremble, feel sick at their sight, or even lose consciousness.

The phobia of cluster holes appears sometimes at the sight of harmless and even beautiful things: seeds in the head of a sunflower, a bubbling surface of a lemonade, a pattern on the petals of plants.

And, not every cluster of small holes leads a person into horror. Some things, for example, hives cells, porous grain bread, capillary drawing on raw meat - lead a person into a panic, while others - drawing on chocolate, weaving a basket or a terry towel does not cause any emotion . Studying these phenomena, experts came to the conclusion that only that which reminds of some dangerous things inspires animal fear, and other objects that do not seem harmful, leave him indifferent.

Disease or feature of psychology?

Cluster phobia is not considered a disease in Russia, although foreign psychologists distinguish it in a separate psychological state, which needs correction or even special treatment.

Thus, triphobobia - fear of cluster holes, is not that rare. According to some reports, it suffers up to 16% of the world's population. Therefore, practicing psychologists have already developed a number of techniques to combat this ailment. Usually it is associated with general nervousness, mental disorders or anxiety in general. A psychologist working with a person suffering from triphophobia aims to not only save him from this unnatural fear, but also to reveal his underlying causes and eliminate the origins of this mental malfunction in the body. In severe cases, patients are prescribed sedative medications.