Verbal aggression

Such a notion as verbal aggression in modern society is quite common. If you disassemble it in parts, then aggression is a negative phenomenon of destructive nature, and "verbal" implies that it manifests itself in the psychological aspect, in the process of human communication. So, this is the desire of one or several personalities to humiliate the dignity, the feelings of others. Such aggression can manifest itself in the form of critical statements, condemnations.

Verbal and non-verbal aggression

Verbal aggression makes you feel resentful, depressed, angry, it is not excluded that you will not be slowed down with a response. So, verbal violence you can succumb and as a result of impolite service to you in the store. Often non-physical aggression occurs between spouses, parents and children.

Nonverbal is a series of signals that indicate the aggressive attitude of your interlocutor. In other words, sign language shows the intentions of the latter regarding your personality.

Physical and verbal aggression

In most cases, a frequent manifestation of physical hostility is inherent in men, while verbal is for women. So, the first kind of aggression is expressed in the deliberate breakdown of various objects, deliberately slamming the entrance doors, knocking the table against the surface of the table (such manifestations are indirect). Direct physical aggression takes place in the event of an attack on a person.

Direct verbal is verbal abuse, which is voiced in person, and indirect - behind the back of personality .

Verbal aggression in adolescents

The frequency of manifestation of aggressive traits in the behavior of a teenager depends, first of all, on what the upbringing of the child was in the first years of his life. According to the research, boys are characterized by physical and direct verbal aggression, and girls - direct verbal and indirect (the latter is considered the most common).

It should be emphasized that the greatest manifestation of verbal aggression is found in the period of 14-15 years. This is due to sexual and age characteristics. In adolescents, for whom the desire for leadership is characteristic, high self-esteem, the level of manifestation of such aggression is much higher.

How to cope with verbal aggression?

If you feel that you are the victim of an aggressor, try to pull yourself together and not respond with rudeness. This only aggravate the situation by creating unnecessary conflicts. In the event that it seems that a little more and you will be attacked by verbal aggression, mentally place yourself in a glass cap through which the negative of the interlocutor will not affect your peaceful state.