Free woman

Unfortunately, in our present society there is a strange stereotype that free strong women are losers and old virgins , absolutely useless to anybody. Since it is believed that one of the most important missions of a woman is the creation of a family and the upbringing of children, and free women are perceived as not fulfilling their purpose and not realizing themselves.

Even if women choose freedom their own way, public opinion can oppress them and put pressure on the psyche. Although in fact, freedom has many advantages if the woman will treat her correctly: she has no worries about what to feed her husband and children, more free time, she is not obligated to anyone and can safely do whatever she wants.

There is a statistic that married women are more likely to address psychoanalysts. And they are subject to mental disorders and depression.

It is also important to talk about women and free relationships.

Woman and freedom

Modern society has recently become loyal to free relations. Instead of the usual family life, some women take risks and choose relationships without obligations, preferring washing and ironing things, meeting and romantic meetings in restaurants with their men. It is also widely recognized that unmarried women have a regular and stable sexual life, while intimate relationships among married couples are rare.

These facts make us wonder whether it is so terrible for a woman to be free and independent. After all, in fact, free people are strong. Women who are free possess qualities such as independence, perseverance, self-sufficiency, determination. Perhaps that's why men rarely approach such women, fearing to be rejected.