What needs does a person have?

Since birth, a person has needs, which with age only increase and can change. No other living creatures have as many needs as people. To realize their needs, the person passes to active actions, due to which he learns the world better and develops in different directions. When it is possible to satisfy a need, a person experiences positive emotions, and when not, negative ones.

What needs does a person have?

Primary needs are for everyone, regardless of position, nationality, gender and other characteristics. This includes the need for food, water, air, sex, etc. Some appear immediately at birth, while others develop throughout life. Secondary human needs are also called psychological, for example, this may be the need for respect, success , etc. Some desires are, as it were, intermediate, being at the boundary of primary and secondary needs.

The most popular theory, which allows you to understand this topic, suggested Maslow. He presented them in the form of a pyramid, divided into five sections. The meaning of the proposed theory is that a person can realize his needs, starting from the very simple ones that are at the bottom of the pyramid, and moving to more complex ones. Therefore, it is impossible to go to the next stage, if the previous one was not implemented.

What are the needs of man:

  1. Physiological . This group includes the need for food, water, sexual satisfaction, clothing, etc. This is a certain base, which can provide a comfortable and stable life. Everyone has such needs.
  2. The need for a safe and stable existence . Based on this group of human needs, there was a separate, separate branch called psychological safety. This category includes both physical and financial security. Everything begins with the instinct of self-preservation and ends with the desire to save the troubles of close people. To go to another level of needs, one must feel confident about the future.
  3. Social . This category includes a person's need to have friends and a loved one, as well as other options for attachment. Whatever one may say, people need communication and contact with others, otherwise they can not move to the next stage of development. These needs and abilities of a person are a kind of transition from primitive to higher levels.
  4. Personal . This category includes needs that can isolate a person from the general mass and reflect his achievements. Firstly, it concerns respect from close people and oneself. Secondly, you can bring trust, social status, prestige, career growth, etc.
  5. Needs for self-realization . This includes higher human needs, which are moral and spiritual. This category includes the desire of people to apply their knowledge and abilities , express themselves through creativity, achieve their goals, etc.

In general, the needs of modern people can be described in this way: people satisfy hunger, earn a living, get education, create a family and get a job. They try to reach certain heights, deserve recognition and respect among others. Satisfying his needs, a person forms a character, willpower, becomes more intelligent and stronger. One can sum up and say that needs are the basis for a normal and happy life.