How to attract good luck?

Who did not want to win winning lottery tickets, always have time to leave the transport, get promotions and increases to wages before others? But the number of such lucky ones is strictly limited, the rest have to think how to attract luck and luck to themselves. Only many in the search for the perfect ritual forget that none of them will not be effective if you just sit on the couch and expect a miracle. Any rite should be backed up by serious work, and only then Ms Luck will become a frequent guest in your home. But still let's see how we can make our efforts to achieve the desired more successful.

What attracts money and luck?

The desire to at least ease his fate haunts a man for a long time, so the knowledge that attracts money and luck came to us from ancient times. Most often for this purpose used a variety of talismans , the most popular of them we'll talk.

  1. A vessel of abundance . It is a rounded container of valuable metal (gold, silver, bronze or copper), the use of plastic is unacceptable. The neck should be wide, but not more than half the diameter of the middle of the vessel. Symbolically, this will mean the ease of obtaining wealth and the complexity of its loss. The chosen capacity must be filled with the right things. Put there a twig of a plant or a handful of earth that was given to you by wealthy people. In the vessel you can put a red pouch in which will lie 9 Chinese coins with a hole in the middle, connected by a red ribbon. Instead, necklaces in a red pouch can be coins of any currency, amounting to 988 units, for example, 9 rubles and 88 kopecks. To put a vessel of abundance is needed in the bedroom, it should be easily accessible to the owner for frequent contact, but reliably hidden from prying eyes.
  2. Horseshoe . This way, how to attract good luck to your house, is also known for a long time. Hanging the horseshoe over the door ends up, so that luck goes into the house, and it can become a guard against the bad thoughts of other people. To the horseshoe worked, it must be made of metal, better of copper or gold.
  3. The aquarium . It needs to be located in the southeast, but not to the right at the entrance. In the aquarium should live 9 goldfish - eight red and one black, it will symbolize the wealth.
  4. Three-fingered frog . If you ask a Chinese citizen how to attract money luck in work or trade, he will certainly remember about a frog with coins in his mouth. It should be put back to the entrance so that the frog can see the whole room. Best of all, the statuette will be in the living room. It is advisable to choose the most similar to the real figure.
  5. Hotei . This pot-bellied laughing little man is the personification of a deity that promotes prosperity and well-being, lures happiness and luck into the house.
  6. Signature of Prosperity . Another way to attract good luck is to use a special "signature of prosperity" when looking at important documents. You need to come up with this signature yourself, it should be a reflection of your confidence in the success, which will be demonstrated by long strokes that are trying to go up.

Words attracting money and luck

Lately, so much has been said about positive thinking, which is seriously impossible. But if you think about it, there is a rational grain here, a person who expects the worst from life is unlikely to notice any positive event. And if it does not escape the sight, it will be perceived as a harbinger of even greater ills. Therefore, in order to attract good luck, one must believe in the possibility of a happy outcome, and not be upset, if something did not work out. To tune in to a positive mood was easier, you can use affirmations - words that attract money and luck. It is advisable to invent your own phrases, and not to use ready-made formulas. An example is: "I am very lucky, money comes to me from everywhere", "I love my job, I have the best clients and excellent salary", "I always have the required amount". Always make statements in the present tense, as if you already have everything you want. It is important not just to mentally say these affirmations, as often as possible, it is necessary that they provoke you to positive emotions and are a true reflection of your attitude to life.