Is it possible to change destiny?

There are two main points of view: according to one of them, a person builds his own destiny, according to another - all the events are predetermined. There is a third, intermediate: certain events are predetermined, but the way in which a person will not reach will not be predetermined. The question of whether it is possible to change destiny, mankind is worried for many centuries.

Is it possible to change the fate of a person?

Examples of the fact that you can change the fate, moreover, at any age, you can find a lot. For example, among the biographies of famous people who were born in poverty, and could remain poor and ignorant - but they, without any advantages, suddenly find their own business in which they achieve success .

A simple example is that everyone is sure that people who grew up in orphanages and foster families can not find a job in life. Norma Jean, who is also Marilyn Monroe, has such a childhood, and started with a career as a waitress. But in the future she became the greatest movie star and the object of imitation for several generations of women. If you look at her early photos, she did not have an impeccable appearance, but that did not stop her.

Or, for example, Sanders, a retired military man, a 65-year-old pensioner who only has a pimped-up car and one recipe for chicken. He could live on retirement, but he chose a different path, and, after receiving more than 1,000 refusals from restaurant owners, still sold his recipe. Then there was more success, and soon he became a millionaire. Now its products are associated with the KFC network.

These examples are quite illustrative of the fact that it is possible to change fate, it is only necessary to exert efforts.

How to change the destiny for the better?

So, as follows from the examples of our heroes, they did not sit and did not expect luck, but worked and acted, regardless of anything. Proceeding from this, one can imagine such a simple algorithm that helps to change the fate:

  1. Set a goal for yourself. It must be concrete, measurable and achievable.
  2. Think about what steps you need to take towards this goal , and better - write them down.
  3. Think about what you can do right now?
  4. Start acting.
  5. Do not give up, even if things did not immediately go up the hill.

You can not change destiny if you are pessimistic, or after the first failure, drop your hands. The main thing is persistence and striving forward. In this case, you will certainly achieve your goal and change your destiny.