Time does not heal

Misfortune is like a deep wound. First it hurts unbearably, then the pain subsides, and sometimes it seems to us that we completely forgot about it ... But the first rain makes us remember about the misfortune again. Our wound hurts, and the horror of the first seconds is no-no, and even floats to the surface ... And who said that time heals. Why? And does it really happen with others. Days, weeks and months are formed in the years, and you begin to feel that your time does not heal anything: no sorrow from grievances, no unhappy love. Let's think, why at you so ... And so it.

Does time treat?

Think about it: over time, we really forget many of the troubles that have happened to us. Sometimes it takes a few hours. So why do other problems sometimes go hand in hand with us. Is it because we ourselves carry them through life? We store in memories, flicking the dust of the past days, like with a favorite photo. We are afraid to lose. The habit of losing misfortune and regretting oneself takes root, and now we can no longer imagine ourselves without our pain. Why is that?

Because at the moment when the pain first absorbed you, you gave the installation to carry it with you. Perhaps even consciously. When the meaning of life eludes us, we cease to wish for happiness. This desire goes into space, to seek an answer. And he will return with the same. To let go is to forgive, and you do not want to forgive desperately. After all, then it turns out that in life there is nothing important, since in time you can forget any loss, since time heals any wounds. Do you recognize these in your thoughts?

What is really happening? And in fact…

... time does not heal, time changes

The meaning of time is not that it treats us, but what changes. It is so, whether you like it or not. And we perceive any memory through a new, today's person, through a constantly changing "I". So, for example, a pile of exams will seem like a trifle to you in a few months. Or a bad mood from the rain will be replaced by a smile, because you suddenly change your attitude to this rain. Unfortunately, time also changes our memories. Especially those that we persistently carry with us and put in a prominent place in our minds. Time, like water, perfects our memories to perfect forms. And sometimes not the most ideal relationships, after years, seem to us the best that has ever happened to us. So, looking at a photo of two lovers, it seems to us that the photographer has captured the best day in life. Although we can not be sure that the lovers did not quarrel for a second before the shutter clicked.

... time does not heal, time teaches

The way it is. Whether we want it or not, every day there are events that teach us. Bringing memories with you, you draw the same lesson over and over again. Time must teach you to forgive. Taya in the heart of offense, this you do not affect the person. He lives his life, develops, learns something new. To keep the pain or hatred in the hope that she will punish another is like taking poison, expecting that it will affect another person. Maybe it's time to learn a lesson? For this, remember that ...

... in the end, time goes by

Think about it. Your life passes by. Your pain is a heavy stone, which you hold in your hands. You can climb to the top without this burden. By letting go of the stone, you will not destroy it (it can not disappear), but it will become much easier to go to you. You will climb up, and the stone will lie at the foot of the mountain - in the past. Those who say that time heals, at some point feel enough strength to move on.

You know what Benjamin Franklin said about it: "If time is the most precious thing, the waste of time is the greatest dishonesty."

You do not have to suffer to save love. To forget in your case is not to betray.