A woman after 50 years with the eyes of men

Years inexorably run forward and already close to the half-century anniversary, which women meet with apprehension, anguish and vexation - heavy weight is squashed by unrealized opportunities, and reflection in the mirror says that youth is far behind. And what a woman looks like after 50 years through the eyes of men - in this article.

Psychology of a woman after 50 years

Someone says that in 50 years, life is just beginning, and someone believes that this is just such a mockery. Women who have crossed the 50-year mark mark the following changes:

  1. Sharp decline in interest in his person from the opposite sex. Thank you that grandmother on the street is not yet called and do not rush to give way in public transport, but no one perceives a sexual object. Of course, this can not but affect the woman's state of mind: her own self-esteem falls, as does confidence in her attractiveness. Many at this stage do not consider it necessary to keep themselves in shape and take care of themselves, because old age is already looming on the threshold and it's already untenable to somehow grow old by age.
  2. Deterioration of skin, nails, hair. The emergence of various chronic diseases, which also does not increase self-esteem. But after all, plus all this, and a hated climax.
  3. Envy in relation to the young, regret about lived years and missed opportunities. Fear of being alone.

However, as a woman feels, so the man perceives it, and this applies to any age. After the well-groomed woman, after 50, dressed and smartly dressed, men will turn around, not only peers, but to those who will object and say that the older a man, the younger he looks for a companion of life, one can answer that this is the main sign of the available complexes and unwillingness to grow old. To such a partner, he does not treat as an equal to himself, but perceives only as an attribute of his success and a symbol of outgoing youth.

A man who grows old next to his beloved does not notice the age changes in a woman after 50 years, because he perceives it as a single whole, with all the advantages and disadvantages, and if you do not focus on the latter, and show off first, then you can still receive for a long time from him compliments and enjoy life.