Psychology of love and relationships

All people want to have mutual love and a happy family. But only some people manage to realize this in practice. In order for you to have a real and trusting relationship, you need to see the differences between the psychology of love, the psychology of friendship and the psychology of sex, and be able to skillfully combine all three components in your relationships.

From the point of view of psychology, love implies an open relationship based on mutual trust and mutual happiness. In psychology, the concept of love includes three aspects:

  1. Commitments. The moral aspect of love. Means the willingness to jointly solve problems. This aspect is based on respect for the feelings and thoughts of the beloved, intellectual abilities and moral qualities, his authority and dignity. When people sincerely love, the line between respect and admiration is erased. To the words of the partner they listen, and the opinion of the beloved becomes decisive. All decisions are taken together. Respect is the guarantor of loyalty and trust in the couple.
  2. Proximity. The emotional part of love is intimacy, warmth of friendship, unity. Love is closely related to friendship, based on common goals, views, preferences. In lovers, friendship can reach its maximum at the expense of unity and intimacy, when the personal becomes general and vice versa. This empathy and joy for the beloved, the pleasure of what you see and hear the object of adoration, you feel its smell and touch. Touching will replace words, convey feelings hidden from others. In ordinary friendship there is no such intimacy, it is possible only when there is sexual attraction besides common interests.
  3. Passion. The physical component of love, which is based on sexual behavior, excitement and attraction. The passion of such power when the beloved is the only source of sexual satisfaction. The object of love becomes the most beautiful and desirable, the other partners no longer attract.

All aspects of the psychology of love are equally important for building and developing relationships. There are different combinations of them that are characteristic of different kinds of love. But the real ideal love combines all three components in approximately the same proportions.

To find true love and be able to separate it from falling in love you need to know the psychology of relationships. Distinctive signs of love and love in psychology:

Use the psychology of love to build a strong relationship.