How to beat off a guy?

I'm very glad if you formulated your request on the Internet in this way, but did not write, for example "How to beat off a guy from a friend?" Why? Because it tells me this: you are already quite a mature person and perfectly aware of the following truth: guys in your life can be a dime a dozen, and a devoted, sincere friend is truly a gift from Heaven. And gifts from there, as you know, are poured on us very, very rarely. However, on the agenda we have a completely different theme, namely, how to beat off the guy from the other.

I suppose that this question torments you for a reason. Probably there was a time when, because of this other, you felt so crushed and destroyed that you just wanted to seep into the window and disappear - having previously smeared this other, like goose pate, on the nearest wall.

Perhaps, the decision "I want to discourage her boyfriend!" Has arisen in your head completely unexpectedly for you. Or - that too can be! - You just really, really like this particular guy. Never mind! We are going to talk about how you can beat a guy - and not about why you decided to beat him.

So, are there any special ways to get a guy out? I would call it not by methods, but by a thought-out line of conduct.

To begin with, keep in mind that your appearance in the "How to beat a guy" mission will play a rather minor role. Therefore, thoughts like "I'll take him from this ugly creature in two counts!" Should not arise in your embryonic state. As, indeed, others - "Where can I compete with such a beauty ..." This is the first and basic postulate that you must learn.

The second basic rule is the Rule of Permanent Presence. What I mean? Asking the question of how to beat off a guy from another, makes sense only in the event that you somehow get in touch with this guy.

Try to exchange phone numbers with him - and do not expect him to call first. Call him yourself - to congratulate you on your birthday or holiday, just to find out how things are. But make sure that these conversations on your part are not delayed, and were initially very short - like a fast, irritating nervous system, an injection.

Let him get used to himself. Over time, in addition to his will, your calls will become familiar and necessary at a subconscious level. You say - wait a long time! Yes it is. It's unlikely that you will manage to take him away in a week or a month. But I think you were interested in how you can beat a guy off for a long time, and not how to beat a guy off for one night?

When you see that he started to support your phone calls, ask you questions and be interested in your affairs, stop calling him and wait. If you do not expect any calls from him, you'll have to start all over again. If he calls you to find out if something happened to you, you walked halfway along the thorny road with the pointer "How to beat the guy off from the other," and you can move on.

And further movement assumes that now you need to gently, but persistently take root in the rear - that is, in its relationship with the other. Begin gently ask him questions about her. Very carefully listen to his answers - even in his tone you will be able to understand how he treats her and how much he is attached to her.

Never criticize her and do not tell him anything bad about her at all. On the contrary, tell him how they fit together and how nice it is to look at them from the side. This is the third basic rule of the task "How to beat off a guy", and I would call it the Rule of Positive Feedback.

However, keep in mind that every couple at any time quarrels. Therefore, be patient and wait, when such a moment comes. He will tell you about their quarrel - of course, provided that you have succeeded in the previous stages of the marathon "How to beat off a guy from a rival."

If he tells you about this on the phone, ask him if he wants to meet to talk about it in more relaxed surroundings. When I say "meet", I mean that this meeting, ideally, should not happen on the playground in your yard, but at home, where you and him could be left alone.

Bear in mind the following. Hearing from him in response to the word "yes", you may well consider that you heard from him the phrase "I would like this conversation to occur in bed." But you do not need to make this mistake. I do not mean bed. The bed was originally our last, final trump card in the game "How to beat off a guy."

What I want to say is, do not let this conversation take place in bed. Let him speak out, anywhere - in the kitchen, in the corridor, on the balcony. If only it was not in the place where you're going to hit him with the final blow.

Another very important detail - do not touch him for as long as he complains about another. Your touch on the subconscious level will later be associated with him and the other. Do you need this? You want to discourage the guy from the other, and do not nail him to her.

But when he gets it out, prilaskay-priboglub, as they say. Slowly and casually touch it - or, like as in a friendly way, embrace it lightly. Trust me, he'll bring you to bed himself ...

Well, I really hope that the sheepskin cost you a lot, and that as a result you did not ask yourself slowly and thoughtfully: "Well, why should I do that ?!"

Let's go further - the goal, codenamed "How to beat the guy off the other" is not yet complete, and the last steps, as usual, can be the most difficult. Read very carefully what I am about to write.

Be sure to get out of bed first. The best reason for this is to offer to bring him a cigarette or something to drink. Do not you dare to walk in front of him naked, no matter how luxurious your physique is. And do not make the mistake of asking him if you can throw his shirt on - our ways to repel the guy do not foresee anything like that.

I know that it will be very, very unpleasant for you to know the following - but, nevertheless, I'll tell you this. The first and only thought that he feverishly pops up in his head right after "after" is the thought of her, that is, of the other. And the strongest desire at that moment he will be the desire either to disappear as soon as possible - if the meeting occurred at your house, or as soon as possible get rid of you - if you met in his apartment.

So get up, get dressed (you can not lie with him again today), bring him a cigarette or a glass with something tasty, and sit on the edge of the bed. First of all, ask him not to tell anything else - because you do not want to hurt her. Believe it that they will be all right - you are just sure of it. Tell him that if he wants to be your friend, you will be very happy about it.

In other words - let him know that the bedtime episode did not matter to you. He will return to you again - and will return in order to again lodge with you in bed, and not to discuss their difficulties with another.

Does this mean that the steps listed above will help you to emerge victorious in the competition "How to beat off a guy from another"? Almost certainly - yes. Why "almost"? You see, what's the matter. After all, in addition to the technique "How to beat off a guy", there is a reverse - "How to keep the guy." And if your opponent has mastered it much better than you - his ... But this is another conversation and another topic.