Goji berries: application for weight loss

Taking a great interest in another miracle means for losing weight, we always risk becoming victims of mercantilism of unscrupulous sellers of "ecological products". After all, even the presence of certificates, an abundance of seals does not guarantee that you are buying a clean, cultivated product, and especially since this product will help you cope with excess weight . And what certificates can we talk about when you buy your "salvation" by weighting in the market.

Goji berries are just from this category. On the one hand, I want to believe that they are the very "salvation" for which you threw out a lot of money for all other experiments with the figure. And on the other hand, in the shower everyone has a bit of realism, and you realize that, no matter how much you eat goji, your weight does not change significantly.

As for the first - we can not test the effectiveness of losing weight with the help of goji berries, because until now, no one has conducted research on this topic. But the second thought, which is closer to the truth, says only that berries can only help your body recover, purify and enhance immunity. Everything else - diet, balanced nutrition, sports - is yours.


Consider the many-sided ways to use goji berries for weight loss.

Broth from goji

Put in a thermos 50 g of berries and pour them with boiling water. Insist 10 minutes and use the resulting broth in two meals - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before dinner. This tool will help to normalize the production of insulin and relieve you of cravings for sweets in the evenings. The cake, left after the decoction, should also be consumed - this is pure fiber, which activates intestinal peristalsis.

Tincture of goji

Be sure to experience the healing effect of the following prescription for weight loss with goji berries, brought from their homeland - China. It is a tincture that increases immunity.

Take a bottle of dark glass and put there 50 g of berries. They should be filled with 45% vodka of good distillation. The tincture should stand for 10 days in a dark place, and only then, it will be suitable for use. Take tincture tincture two times a day for 10 ml - in the morning (on an empty stomach) and before bedtime.

Tincture of goji berries is indicated for use in anemia, anemia, dizziness, weakened immunity and a drop in vision.

Goji tea

Also there is a magnificent recipe of tea from goji with addition of dried flowers of chrysanthemum. Take the ingredients for 1 serving of tea:

Fill our infusion with boiling water and insist 10 min.

The use of tea from goji berries will lead to the rejuvenation of the whole organism. The active development of collagen will begin, the skin will be smoothed and moistened, the muscle tone will increase, you will feel the increase of both physical and psychological forces.

Wine from Goji - aphrodisiac

For this recipe you will need a liter of any table wine that you like, and, of course, 50 g of goji berries. In the wine should be poured dry berries, cork the bottle and keep in a cool, dark place - 60 days. During this time, the wine will infuse, and not only improve its taste, but also rich in useful properties of oriental berries.

Every day you should drink 100 ml of this wine. The result will prove itself on the first day.

Goji berries are not a panacea, but certainly a very useful product that should not be neglected. Just one composition speaks for itself - vitamin C, the whole group B, carotene, amino acids, minerals, polysaccharides - all this can not but leave your positive trace on your health. In addition, goji is unusually tasty - with their help you can not only prepare medicinal decoctions and tinctures, but simply actively add to soups, cereals and second courses.