Macro - the maintenance and care

This fish is one of the most popular and common inhabitants of aquariums. In appearance it is very bright and colorful. The coloration of these fish directly depends on the temperature regime: the warmer the water, the more colorful the fish.

The maintenance of macropods in an aquarium: rules and advice

This subspecies is fast-adjusting and does not need special living conditions. They can easily live in an aquarium of about 5 liters. The issue of filtration and water hardness is not relevant for the life of macropores. The optimum water temperature is 20-24 ° C. Lowering or raising the temperature by a few degrees will not do any harm to this species. Although the macro fish is not fastidious and does not need special content and additional care, there are some important rules to consider. The first thing to remember is that you need to change 1/5 of the water every week; Use dark soil (pebbles); plants should be large-leaved and floating. Macropods are active fish and can jump out, so the aquarium should be closed with a lid.

If you do not adhere to these simple, but basic rules, then the macropods can develop various diseases . To understand if your fish are ill, it's enough just to observe their behavior. The sick individuals stay away, the style of swimming changes, the tail and dorsal fins are often compressed, the fish can wiggle, itch about the ground , change in color, and lose appetite. All this suggests that the macropod can be sick. Macropods are an active and predatory species, so the compatibility of this subspecies is not possible with all species. Their "neighbors" should be active and similar in size. These can be barbs or large representatives of the genus "danio". To grow fish better from a small age.

Remember that with proper care these fish will please you very long.