Viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits

Disease X

VGBC (viral haemorrhagic disease of rabbits) is a dangerous viral disease. When VGBK only appeared and there was no vaccine, the case of the rabbit population from it in some regions was 90-100%.

When in China in 1984 began to mass die rabbits, scientists only hands bred: a new virus. Two years later, in Italy, among rabbits, an epidemic of "disease X" broke out, which eventually spread to all of Europe. For a very long time researchers could not determine the ways in which the mysterious disease spreads. And it was transmitted by air and by contact.

A person can carry a virus of the VGBK, although for him, as for other animals, except rabbits, he is absolutely harmless. Viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits spreads through skins, droppings, litter, feed - including through the grass with which the sick individuals came into contact.

A disease from which there is no medicine

The HHVB is very fast: the incubation period is up to three to four days, and you can not see any of its manifestations. Then the sick animal dies in a few hours because of hemorrhagic diathesis, which affects the organs. Treatment of viral haemorrhagic disease of rabbits, unfortunately, does not exist, and, as mentioned above, you may not notice the manifestation of the disease.

In hemorrhagic rabbit disease the following symptoms: loss of appetite, flaccid state, yellow or spotting from the nose. These symptoms only occur 1-2 hours before death. In the incubation period in rabbits, the temperature was raised to 40.8 ° C.

The only salvation is a vaccine against hemorrhagic rabbit disease. Usually the female is vaccinated during pregnancy, and the rabbits are resistant to VGBC for up to 60 days. Rabbits are vaccinated at six weeks of age, the vaccine lasts a year; then the procedure is repeated every 9 months.

Watch your pet's health, take care of it, do not forget about regular visits to the vet and do all the necessary vaccinations. Only in this way you minimize the chance to get sick and provide the rabbit with a healthy long life.