Why do feet sweat?

Long road,

Field, meadow and forest.

You feet,

Hands and I are all.

The picture of this quatrain is familiar to everyone with the only difference that some live in the village, while others live in the city. And in a megacity of a hot summer, flour from excessive sweating is much stronger than outside of the city in the fresh air. But one thing - increased sweating in the heat or with considerable physical exertion, and quite another - when even in winter cold in a state of complete rest, a man sweats heavily his hands and feet and smells of them unpleasantly. This is already a real problem and a disaster, and this phenomenon happens in adults and in young children. So what is the reason why some people so much sweat their feet and hands? Let's understand.

Hyperhidrosis - what is it?

The reasons why there are cold and sweaty feet and hands, very much. And the very condition of increased sweating is called hyperhidrosis. The most common causes of hyperhidrosis are diseases of the cardiovascular system, endocrine disorders, foot fungi, tight shoes and too warm synthetic clothing, stress and nervous disorders. And at the expense of the latter usually write off hyperhidrosis without a clear reason.

The fact is that some people, in response to fright, excitement or pain, throw it into the sweat. Hands and feet, and other parts of the body, they are actively wet and become cold even in summer. The disturbed function of the autonomic nervous system responsible for involuntary actions in the body is to blame for this abnormal reaction. The mechanism of the process is as follows: a person experiences stress and sweats heavily from this, and sweat, as is known, has an unpleasant smell that introduces the poor sufferer into even greater excitement, and he sweats even more. Here's a vicious circle turns out.

And why then palms and feet of the child sweat, what is the reason? Everything is very simple. The child has not yet had a heat exchange function for up to a year, and parents also clothe the baby with clothes, here are the legs and handles of him and the moccasins. It will take a little time, and the problem will go away by itself. If the excessive sweating is noted in children after 1,5 years, then, most likely the matter is untreated rickets. And the cause of this problem at the age after 5 years may be malfunctions in the thyroid gland or the presence of helminths.


Having found out with the help of doctors why even in the winter so much sweat your hands and feet with you or your baby, you can easily find ways to treat this ailment. We offer several tips from a generous casket of traditional medicine.

  1. Pound the crystals of boric acid and cover them with interdigital spaces and the sole, and in the evening, rinse the powder with warm water. Then rinse your feet with the decoctions of one of the listed herbs: alternatives, chamomiles, nettles or oak bark. From these herbs, you can also make foot baths. With the use of this tool, an unpleasant odor disappears after 1-2 weeks, and simultaneously sweating is significantly reduced.
  2. In the evening, wash your feet well with baby soap and wipe them dry. Then take the straw of wheat, or barley, or the green grass of the crochet creeper and weave them between the fingers by the method of basket weaving. Put on clean socks and go to bed. In the morning discard the straw, wash your feet again and weave fresh straw. So do until persistent effect. This method allows you to get rid of sweating for many years. And if there were pustules on the skin, then they would disappear without a trace.
  3. Still very effective are washing in the mornings and evenings of feet with a saline or soda solution and using birch bark insoles.
  4. If a child has excessive sweating of legs and hands due to worms, then pumpkin seeds help get rid of both problems. Boil them in a small amount of milk and give the child to drink this decoction. So do it for a few days. At the same time put microclysters from warm milk with the juice of one clove of garlic. And more worms can be "strangled" by plugging the baby's anus with a small piece of laundry soap.

And finally, not even a piece of advice, but a simple reminder. Do not forget to often change socks and tights, wash your feet in the morning and in the evening and do not be afraid to seek help from qualified doctors. They will be able to appoint competent treatment of hyperhidrosis, and already soon you will stop tormenting the question, why so much sweat your feet.