Rice Unloading Day

Unloading days for many are real emergency help, especially after a big feast. They help to relieve the load from the digestive system, eliminate the calories and return to normal the volume of the stomach, which will avoid overeating in the future. Rice unloading day is especially popular today.

How to spend a rice unloading day?

There are various options for this "unloading". One of them is a day on rice and apples. To do this, it is necessary to soak for a period of three days 100 grams of rice, periodically washing the water. Then this rice should be cooked without salt and divided into 3 portions - breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition to rice cereal, it is allowed to eat a couple of medium-sized apples. Such a rice unloading day is great for losing weight, as the daily intake of calories is minimal, and apples and rice are very easily absorbed by the body. Also very effective is the rice unloading day, which was recommended by Elena Malysheva. You need to eat 150 grams of boiled rice every two hours. The first meal should be at 8.00, and the last - at 18.00. In the intervals between meals, it is recommended to drink still water or green tea without sugar.

His rice unloading day was developed by Margarita Koroleva, a well-known nutritionist. Even in the evening, soak 250 grams of rice, rinse thoroughly in the morning, pour boiling water (to 1 part of rice, 2 parts of boiling water) and cook for 15 minutes. It is believed that this way of cooking helps to maintain the maximum of useful substances. Finished rice is divided into six equal portions and eat them during the day, only remember that the last meal should be no later than 20 hours. In addition, for the day you need to eat 3 teaspoons of natural honey separately from rice, and also drink at least 2.5 liters of still water.

Basic principles of fasting days on rice

To ensure that the rice unloading day brings you the maximum benefit, observe the following rules.

  1. Try to choose golden, brown rice or basmati rice. It is in these types of most useful connections.
  2. Rice should be eaten without salt and other condiments.
  3. Remember that you can not add butter to the ready-made cereal, because one of the goals of a fasting day is to consume a minimum amount of calories.

Finally, do not start the day on rice, if the state of health or mood is failing, in that case, postpone the "unloading" until better times.