Cervicitis - treatment with folk remedies

Cervicitis - a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine neck. This process is caused by pathogens such as E. coli, gonococci, staphylococcus and others. The disease can take place both in chronic and acute form, on which depends the method of its diagnosis and drug treatment. However, as practice shows, often medications are inferior in effectiveness to the treatment of cervicitis with folk remedies.

Initially, it is worth mentioning that all herbs, herbal preparations and methods of preparing potions directly depend on what specifically provoked the disease and in what intensity it occurs.

Treatment of chronic cervicitis with folk remedies

To cure this inflammation it is possible with the help of herbs, the action of which is intensified by the pharmaceutical tinctures of calendula, eucalyptus or chlorophyllipt, based on alcohol. Cooked broth should be taken topically, in the form of warm syringing. Inward it is recommended to use such folk remedies from cervicitis as:

All these ingredients, collected in equal parts, languish on a steam bath for a maximum of 20 minutes, after which the infusion is filtered and consumed in an amount of 70 grams of 3 doses per day for one and a half months. To enhance such folk treatment of cervicitis in the decoction, you can add any of the above alcoholic tinctures and do syringing.

Also, one of the most effective ways to treat cervicitis at home is the independent production of tampons impregnated with such a substance: in a mixture consisting of 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and a similar amount of natural honey, add a few drops of garlic juice. There will be burning sensations that need to be tolerated. But this method is strictly forbidden, if the disease is complicated by erosion of the cervix .