Adhesive process in the pelvis - treatment

Adhesive process in a small pelvis, the treatment of which will be discussed below, is a violation, in which between the organs formed a kind of strands, formed from connective tissue. We will consider this disease in more detail and we will dwell on the manifestations and principles of the therapeutic process.

How is this violation manifested?

Before considering the features of treating the adhesion process in the small pelvis, it is necessary to name its signs.

First of all, it can be noted that the symptoms directly depend on the form in which the disease occurs. The most obvious symptomatology is expressed in acute type of disorder. At the same time there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, against which the general condition worsens. All this is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, increased body temperature. With this form of treatment involves surgical intervention with excision of adhesions, tk. there is a high probability of developing renal failure.

Intermittent form of the disorder entails a malfunction in the intestine, along with a periodically occurring soreness in the lower abdomen. In the absence of treatment, it often turns into a chronic one. This form, in turn, is characterized by the absence of symptoms and only a rare soreness in the abdomen, which is strengthened after prolonged physical exertion, changes in the position of the body in space.

How is treatment carried out?

Before treating the adhesive process of the small pelvis, doctors try to eliminate the cause that caused its development. Among those can be called inflammation in the small pelvis ( endometritis, parametritis, adnexitis ), surgery on pelvic organs in the past.

As for the peculiarities of treatment, they directly depend on the form of the disorder. Thus, in acute and intermittent form, surgical intervention is prescribed. It consists in the excision of the cords, which allows the organs to take their normal position.

Chronic form, in which the symptoms are poorly expressed, and often the patient does not bother, symptomatic therapy is performed. An important role in this is assigned to diet compliance (restriction of legumes, cereals, cabbage, and sour-milk products).

Also, doctors recommend to limit physical activity, which will exclude the development of complications, such as intra-abdominal bleeding.

With a chronic form of such a disorder, as a spike in a small pelvis, treatment with folk remedies is possible. In this case, most often used herbs, such as plantain, St. John's wort, borovaya uterus, aloe, milk thistle. Despite seeming harmless, their reception should be agreed with the doctor.