How to reduce prolactin in women?

The high content of prolactin is acceptable in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Insignificant fluctuations of its level during the cycle in the absence of health disorders - this is also a normal state. But with a strong increase in prolactin and the appearance of symptoms of hyperprolactinemia , treatment is necessary.

This condition can cause serious deviations in health, and also serve as a signal for the appearance of a pituitary tumor. Therefore, you need to visit a gynecologist or an endocrinologist and make a blood test. Based on the survey, the doctor will recommend how to reduce prolactin. Most often prescribed drugs containing ergot alkaloids and other hormonal medications.

But many women have a question, how to reduce prolactin without tablets, since most hormonal drugs cause nausea, upset stomach and other unpleasant symptoms. Such medications are drunk 1-2 times a week, therefore, to enhance the effect, treatment can be supplemented with non-medicinal products.

How to reduce prolactin folk remedies?

Follow these rules:

This hormone is also called a hormone of stress, so do not worry about how to reduce prolactin. The most important thing is to calm down and not worry. And here the people's means will come to your aid. Regularly drink decoctions of valerian, lemon balm, motherwort, elderberry, hawthorn and hops. It is better to replace the usual tea with chamomile tea. You can try to drink a plant medicine Novopassit, which helps well cope with stress.

Of course, folk remedies can not cure the disease if it is caused by serious causes, but they will help you to alleviate the condition. But it is also necessary to follow the recommended treatment schedule for your doctor. He will advise you how to lower the level of prolactin. The best way to deal with this drug is Bromocriptine . But take it and other hormonal medications should be strictly according to the doctor's prescription.