Amaranth oil - application

The oil produced by pressing amaranth seeds (or shirries, which undeservedly for a long time was considered a weed) is a source of valuable substances and a very tasty dressing for salads. Today we learn what amaranth oil is good for and how to use it properly.

Therapeutic properties of amaranth oil

The product is distinguished by an impressive content of useful substances, among which:

Useful properties of amaranth oil are largely due to the content of the most powerful antioxidants: vitamin E and squalene - in this product they are present in a rare and especially active tocotrienol form.

Oil from seeds of amaranth slows down the aging process, strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol, prevents the formation of tumors and blood clots, the development of inflammation.

Treatment with amaranth oil

Treatment of amaranth oil is recommended by many doctors, if you:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - oil heals ulcers and wounds.
  2. Problems with the cardiovascular system - does not allow the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, normalizes blood pressure, speed, strength and rhythm of heartbeats.
  3. Injuries and dermatological diseases - has a wound-healing effect, does not allow fungi, bacteria, viruses to develop, accelerates the regeneration of integuments.
  4. Anemia - amaranth oil stimulates the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  5. Diseases of the throat , oral cavity - has a bactericidal effect.
  6. Obesity and diabetes mellitus - improves fat metabolism, regulates glucose level.
  7. Gynecological diseases - heals erosion, relieves inflammation, normalizes the hormonal background.
  8. Diseases of the nervous system , stress, headaches, psychoemotional disorders - stimulates the production of acetylcholine and serotonin.
  9. Oncological diseases - has radioprotective and anticarcinogenic properties.

How to take amaranth oil?

For prophylaxis, the product is drunk twice a day for 1 teaspoonful during the meal (before intake, the oil in the vial should be shaken well). Course duration of 1 month. it is best to repeat in the spring and autumn.

To heal the injuries, amaranth oil is rubbed into the damaged areas twice a day, removing the remnants of the napkin.

Use of the product as a medicine should be approved by a doctor. In addition, amaranth oil has contraindications:

Amaranth oil is great for frying - the food gets a pleasant smell and does not burn.

Amaranth oil in cosmetology

Possessing wound healing properties, amaranth oil helps fight with herpes, scars, acne, sunburn.

The product is also used:

To maintain a pleasant skin color and youth, the following face mask will help: amaranth oil (1 spoonful) is combined with cosmetic clay (1 spoon) diluted in water. Kashitsu is kept on the face for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure can be 1 time per week. It is also useful to lubricate the skin with a mixture of amaranth oil and lemon juice (evenly).

How to cook amaranth oil at home?

The finished product can be purchased at the pharmacy, and you can do it yourself. You will need:

Preparation of amaranth oil begins with lightly frying the seeds in a frying pan. Then they are crushed in a coffee grinder, the resulting flour is poured into a bottle of olive oil, mixed thoroughly, covered with a lid. The next three weeks the bottle will need to be shaken (1 time per day). The present product is squeezed through a five-layer gauze, the hood is stored in a dark place.