Bacterial conjunctivitis in children - treatment

Children, like any adults are sick. And this event sometimes catches the parents by surprise. It may be that they put the baby to bed, but after a while he woke up and can not open his eyes independently, because they are stuck together. Thus, bacterial conjunctivitis manifests itself in children, the treatment of which must be started quickly. Before buying a medicine, you can do with improvised means to at least somehow help the baby.

Folk remedies

Previously, every family knew what to treat bacterial conjunctivitis in a child, if at hand there are no pharmacy products:

  1. Rinse your eyes with strong tea leaves. To do this, take black tea without any additives and brew it. Cool the tea leaves and remove the pus from the baby's eyes with a cotton pad.
  2. Rinse your eyes with infusion of calendula. You will need marigold flowers, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, and hot boiled water. 1 dessert spoon of flowers is placed in enameled dishes and poured with water. Then, for 15 minutes, insist on a water bath. To wash the eyes, the infusion should be squeezed off from the calendula flowers, cooled to room temperature and diluted with boiled water to a volume of 200 ml.

Medications for children

Purulent discharge from the eyes of the baby, dryness of the eye and around it, redness are the main symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis in children, whose treatment, and the medications that you will use, should be discussed with your doctor. The pediatrician will advise you how to quickly cure bacterial conjunctivitis in children and what costs to buy drugs. The most common of these are eye drops:

  1. Ophthalmoferon. These drops have antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. One of the components of this drug is dimedrol, which has an anti-allergic and analgesic effect. However, its content is so small that the drug can be administered from the very birth of the baby.
  2. Albucid. This drug has an antimicrobial effect. Children should use a 20% solution. Appointed from the first days of life.
  3. Fucitalmic. This medicine is very good at combating the symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis. When it is applied, burning and itching are quickly eliminated. Treatment with this drug is prescribed from birth.

Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children can be not only drops, but also ointments. Of the latter you can advise an inexpensive, but effective Erythromycin Ointment , as well as the drug Torbex . These are broad-spectrum antibiotics that have bactericidal properties.

So, when treating any of the diseases, it is desirable to contact a specialist. Remember, it is very important here not only to help the child recover, but also not to harm him, doing self-medication, so it is better to seek medical advice from a doctor.