How to stop the uterine bleeding at home?

During their life, women face various gynecological diseases and reproductive system disorders. Particular attention should be paid to those that require immediate medical intervention. To such it is possible to carry hemorrhages.

What should I do if bleeding develops?

Many women are interested in the question of how to stop the uterine bleeding at home. We note at once that it is unlikely to do this independently. But for a while to stop the blood and to relieve the condition of the girl - you can.

For this, it is necessary, first of all, to call an ambulance. In anticipation of the arrival of doctors, a woman needs to adopt a horizontal position. In this case, the legs should be slightly raised. On the bottom of the stomach you need to put something cold. Use of a warmer and warming compresses is contraindicated.

How is treatment carried out?

Thinking about how quickly to stop the uterine bleeding, a woman begins to search for drugs of hemostatic action. The most frequently used is Vikasol, which is produced, both in tablet form and in the form of injections. When you receive it, you must strictly follow the instructions. Also excellent cope with such violations oxytocin, Dicinon . The latter helps to slow the bleeding, which is achieved by accelerating the process of maturation of platelets and increasing their number in the bloodstream.

Many women who are not the first time to face a small uterine bleeding, use folk remedies to stop it. They are used in the form of broths, compresses. An example of a herb stopping the uterine bleeding may be nettle. No less potent are such plants as yarrow, water pepper, shepherd's bag. However, it is worth considering that each organism is individual and before using the advice of a friend who was helped by a certain medication, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

It is impossible to stop severe uterine bleeding at home, no matter how hard the woman tried. Therefore, an urgent hospitalization.

Hormonal therapy is often used in the treatment of this disorder. In addition, blood repair preparations such as Reopoliglyukin and Polyglukin are prescribed. They contribute to the recovery of the volume lost during the bleeding period.

Thus, a woman, knowing how to stop uterine bleeding, is able to ease her condition, waiting for an ambulance to arrive.