Malfunction of the menstrual cycle - causes

The nature is conceived so that the menstrual cycle of a woman is a very precise mechanism. His work is affected by many factors, from the characteristics of the endocrine system to the most complex biochemical reactions of the brain.

At the same time, as in the work of any other mechanism, in the women's cycle sometimes failures of a different nature occur. Let's find out what are their features and possible reasons.

Malfunction of the menstrual cycle - symptoms

First of all, it should be noted that the duration of the cycle is an individual feature of every woman. On average, this is 28 days, but the medical norm is from 26 to 36 days.

If, for example, your cycle always lasts 35 days, then this is not a failure, but your personal distinctive feature. A variant of the norm can be called a shift in the monthly for 2-3 days, because not all of them come at regular intervals.

Failure, in turn, is called a shift in the onset of menstruation for 5-7 days in one direction or another. And if this began to occur systematically, then do not postpone visiting a gynecologist. The doctor will help you understand the reasons for this and adjust the cycle. This is very important not only for those who plan to become a mom in the near future, but also for women's health in general.

Why does the menstruation cycle malfunction?

  1. As mentioned above, the work of the female reproductive system is regulated by the subcortical centers and the brain, which is why the diseases most directly affected by the arrival of the monthly ones, in particular, the oncological ( adenoma of the pituitary gland, various tumors ) influence the timing of the month.
  2. Hormonal failure is the most common cause. The endocrine system of the female body is designed to produce certain types of hormones at different periods of the cycle. And if there are any changes in this debugged mechanism, this will not slow down the impact on menstruation. In addition, few women know that wakefulness in after-hours (from 3 to 7 am) can lead to a shift, because it is at this time that the body produces the right hormones.
  3. The stability of the cycle can be affected by chronic diseases of women, such as diabetes , obesity or hypertension. Often, the cycle is knocked down after an acute infectious disease, but this is not pathological, and a month later it is restored with the same regularity. The cause can serve as an avitaminosis, and even a sharp weight loss.
  4. Diseases of the ovaries (hypoplasia or polycystosis ), also often become causes of malfunction of the menstrual cycle. Other inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages can also be referred to here .
  5. Such disruptions can be caused by taking certain medications (antibacterial, hormonal or narcotic, including strong antidepressants), chronic stress, lack of sleep, and even a change in time zones and climate.
  6. And, finally, an ectopic pregnancy can provoke a menstruation cycle . Therefore, if, in addition to the delay, a woman is concerned about the pains in the lower abdomen, she needs to see the doctor urgently to avoid serious complications.

What should I do if the menstrual cycle fails?

First of all, you should determine the reasons for the failure, and then determine how to set up the cycle. This should be done, of course, with the help of a gynecologist. At the reception, he will conduct a standard survey and ask questions that will help to identify the origins of the problem. Additionally, it may be necessary to take tests, carry out ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries, thyroid or other organs. Having determined the reasons for the menstrual cycle, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.