Hormonal failure in women - symptoms, treatment

Such phenomenon as hormonal failure, is observed in women quite often. It can be caused by various reasons. But regardless of them, almost always he has the same clinical picture. Let's consider it in more detail and dwell on the treatment of hormonal failure in women.

How is hormonal disruption usually manifested?

Despite the similarity of most of the signs, in each organism this disorder occurs with some peculiarities. Thus, individual women may not attach importance to the changes that have occurred with their body.

If we talk specifically about the symptoms of hormonal failure in the body of a woman, then in the first place it is necessary to name the following:

  1. Violation of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, in such cases, the monthly ones become irregular, the amount of secretions decreases, in some cases, amenorrhea may be noted.
  2. Sharp, with nothing unrelated mood swings, should also push a woman to the idea that she has problems with the hormonal system.
  3. Change in body weight with hormonal failure occurs rapidly - both in the large and the smaller side.
  4. The appearance of chronic fatigue can also be attributed to signs of a hormonal disorder.
  5. Headache.

How is treatment carried out?

In the presence of the above described symptoms of hormonal failure in women, treatment should be started as soon as possible, because this situation can lead to the development of gynecological diseases.

First of all, the doctor determines the cause of the disorder, on the type of which the entire therapeutic process depends. In those cases when the change in the hormonal background is due to the presence of fibroids or polycystosis in the body, surgical intervention is prescribed.

However, in most cases, the basis of therapy is the intake of hormonal drugs, the choice of which and the appointment is done exclusively by a doctor.

As for the treatment of hormonal failure in women by folk remedies, it must also be agreed with the gynecologist. In such cases, the following recipes are most often used:

  1. The flowers of lime and flax are brewed in the form of tea, they insist 10 minutes and they drink three times a day. Duration of admission should be at least a month.
  2. Hops and oregano. Take 2 tablespoons of each herb, brew with steep boiling water, insist half an hour and drink 150 ml 2 times a day before eating. Take for 3-4 weeks.

Thus, knowing what symptoms can occur during hormonal failure in women, the fair sex when they appear should seek help from a doctor.