What parrots are talking about?

Talking Parrots

If you heard how parrots talk, you noticed that some of them sound different sounds well, and some can repeat words and even phrases, and correctly and to the place they are used. It is these birds that are said to be speaking. Before you buy a talking bird, you need to find out which parrots are talking.

What kinds of parrots are talking?

There are disagreements about which parrots speak best. It depends not only on sex (males in wavy parrots), age and species of birds, but also on her abilities.

  1. A wavy parrot is a small bird, sociable, not capricious to living conditions. Easily learns to talk , reproduces sounds and about 100-150 words.
  2. Jaco is considered the most speaking parrot (up to 300-500 words). Accurately replicates human speech, including male and female voice, laughter and other sounds.
  3. Laurie - small parrots of bright colors, quickly fly, very demanding on food and content (a warm climate in the room is needed). They are friendly, well-trained (about 70 words).

There are several species of parrots that speak - Ara, Kakadu , Amazon, Corella. However, they are less likely to remember words, and their voice is different from human.

Preparation for training

Decide who will teach the parrot - it should be the same person, preferably a woman or a child. Wait for the bird to get used to you and learn to sit on your shoulder.

Learning process

  1. Classes are best spent in the morning or evening before feeding. First, you will attract the attention of the student - this can be determined by the way he blinks his eyes or slowly opens and closes them. Secondly, he will understand that after performing the task will be encouraged by food.
  2. Daily 10-15 minutes, and once a week - about 40 minutes you should repeat the selected word, and then the phrase. Start by remembering your name.
  3. The lesson should be conducted in silence, do not turn on the TV or radio.
  4. It is best to start with words that contain vowels "a" and "o" and consonants "to", "p", "p", "t".

And, finally, be friendly, calm and patient during class. Think for yourself, how can you teach a parrot to talk, if he does not trust you, and you constantly shout and scold him?