Ointment for cats

Ringworm is a serious infectious disease, which can be infected both by pets and by humans. Most often, the disease occurs in cats. Its causative agents are fungi, which are very resistant to various conditions. Depending on which fungus caused the lichen, cats have microsporia or trichophytosis . Their disputes can be brought into the house on shoes. Therefore, domestic cats can get ringworm in the same way as street animals.

Detecting lichen at the beginning of the disease is very difficult. Therefore, if the owner has suspicions of lichen from a domestic cat, it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

How is lichen at a cat treated?

The lichen can be treated hard enough and to cure the cat, the owner must have patience. Treatment of this disease consists in the use of antifungal agents, which are applied to the affected area of ​​the skin of the animal. Most often, it's an ointment from depriving cats. Before applying any ointment, it is necessary to treat the affected area with an antiseptic.

One of the most commonly used drugs against cats is Miconazole Ointment, the active substance of which kills harmful microorganisms on the skin of an animal and a human. It is applied twice a day to the affected areas. Treatment should continue until the symptoms disappear.

Another effective ointment against depriving cats - Tiabendazole . Its application is the same as the previous one. Throughout the treatment, you must ensure that the cat does not lick the ointments applied to the skin. To do this, you can use a special collar, which is worn around the animal's neck.

Since the long coat of a cat prevents the uniform application of the ointment, doctors recommend that it be sheared off the affected areas.

A sick cat can not be bathed, since along with water fungal spores will spread to healthy areas of the skin, causing new foci of the disease.