Why are the nipples peeling?

Peeling of the nipples is one of the problems that women often face. This can be associated with a variety of reasons, arise regardless of the age and condition of the woman. In any case, if there is peeling of the nipples or itching, it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out why the nipples are peeling. You can talk about this problem to a gynecologist or mammologist.

Peeling of the nipples is not always associated with a serious disease. Often it goes by itself and does not require special treatment. Nevertheless, if the peeling begins to seriously disturb and, moreover, is accompanied by itching, then it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist.

Why does the nipple in women?

Let's see why the skin of the nipples flakes. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Pregnancy . During pregnancy, the whole body is reconstructed, the breast starts to fill with milk in a certain period, the skin is stretched, and therefore there is peeling and often itching. However, if the chest itches constantly, and it causes serious discomfort, you need to go to the doctor without fail.
  2. Hives . At the same time, the skin becomes stained and itchy.
  3. Dermatitis (usually contact). Perhaps the fabric from which the laundry is made, causes allergies.
  4. Chemical irritation. Such irritation will be manifested not only by peeling, but also by itching, rashes, swelling, burning sensation. On the surface of the breast may even appear a crust.
  5. Allergy . Such an allergic reaction can be observed, for example, on certain chemical preparations. Often a similar reaction can be observed on body care products (creams, shampoos, soaps, balms, etc.). This may be an allergy to washing powder, which is used to wash clothes.
  6. Eczema . This is a serious dermatological disease that requires compulsory treatment at the dermis.
  7. Lack of moisture in the body. With a deficiency of fluid, the first sign is dry skin. At the same time, the mucous membranes and the skin around the nipples dry up, due to which the peeling occurs.
  8. Hormonal changes. On the nipples peeling occurs most often in the second half of the menstrual cycle, that is, when menstruation approaches. Sometimes peeling occurs during ovulation (that is, in the middle of the cycle), when the breast swells, the skin stretches and peeling appears.
  9. Lack of vitamins . Hypovitaminosis is one of the common causes of skin peeling, and on the chest in particular.
  10. Diseases of the breast (especially if there are secretions from the nipples of an atypical nature).
  11. Breast growth in girls in adolescence.

What should I do if my nipples flake during pregnancy?

When the skin is peeling on the nipples, you can dispense with simply lubricating the nipples with cream or body lotion (unless, of course, the peeling is not an allergic reaction to them). It is also important to change the bra to cotton, in order to minimize the effect of friction, and also to eliminate the possibility of allergic effects of synthetic tissue.

It helps to get rid of the peeling of the nipples with a fresh decoction of chamomile. In case of manifestation of an allergic reaction, you can try to use antiallergic drugs. Sometimes helps to contrast the shower, coaching the skin, as well as the use of sedatives, for example, tinctures of the motherwort. Massaging and combing your chest with peeling is highly discouraged. Especially it is impossible to use scrubs.

What to do if the nipples are flaky and itchy during breastfeeding?

If the nipples are flaky in women breastfeeding, it is likely that the reason is drying the skin, stretching it when milk arrives, and also a constant mechanical effect from sucking. It is recommended that you wash your breasts regularly, grease with sea buckthorn oil or baby cream. However, before breastfeeding, the breast should also be washed to protect the baby from getting into the body of possible allergens and harmful substances.