Treatment of ovarian cyst medication

Treatment of the ovarian cyst is medically performed only by physicians, and preparations for this are always selected individually, depending on the type of tumor and its size. Let's take a closer look at the process of treating such a disorder with medications and consider the most common treatment regimens.

What types of neoplasms are amenable to non-surgical treatment?

Before talking about how to treat the ovarian cyst medically, it should be noted that this kind of therapy is productive only in cases where it is follicular or is in a yellow body. In other situations, the treatment of ovarian cysts without surgery is almost impossible. However, even if the above types of formations in diameter exceed 10 cm, surgical intervention is prescribed.

What drugs are usually used for resorption of neoplasms?

After the doctor is convinced that in this case the tumor has a non-cancerous nature, the ovarian cysts are treated with hormonal preparations. They form the basis of the therapeutic process for this violation. These include Dyufaston, Utrozhestan. The main component of such drugs is progesterone.

Also along with the hormonal drugs mentioned above, oral contraceptives are used, the basis of which, in most cases, is also hormones. It should be noted that such drugs can be prescribed, both for resorption of existing formations, and for the prevention of their appearance. An example of this kind of drugs can be the following: Antotevin, Logest, Diane-35, Zhanin, Marvelon. Dosage, as well as the frequency of admission, is indicated directly by the doctors who administer the treatment.

In addition, it is necessary to note also the fact that before choosing a treatment regimen and prescribing a particular drug, a woman will have to undergo a certain number of examinations.

Along with the use of hormonal, contraceptive drugs, in the complex therapy often include and anti-inflammatory drugs, including Voltaren, Ibuprofen. This allows you to achieve a better effect in a short time period.

What else is used to treat cysts?

Having dealt with what preparations are prescribed for ovarian cysts for its resolution, it is necessary to say that quite often prescribe and physiotherapy with this violation. So, they perform electrophoresis, galvanization.

Thus, we can say that cure such a violation as an ovarian cyst is medically, possible only in the case of full compliance with all medical instructions and prescriptions.