Poses to get pregnant

The onset of pregnancy can not be predicted 100%, but adhering to some simple rules, you can increase the probability of conception at times.

Choosing a Pose to Get Pregnant

Decisive influence on the possibility of conception posture in sex does not have, some generally deny the relationship between pose in sex and pregnancy. But if you want to know in which pose you can not get pregnant, you will get a unanimous response from specialists - you can conceive a child absolutely in any position.

According to most couples, the best posture is to get pregnant:

In general, "favorable" sex positions to conceive unites the general characteristic - a woman should be in a position in which sperm will not flow. If you remember that the posture has an influence on the probability of conception only at the time of ejaculation and after it. And this means that you can fully use your favorite positions, including the pose of a rider or standing, during the whole intercourse, changing them to "favorable" in the final. Thus, you increase the likelihood of conception and yet do not turn sex into a routine. As you see the choice, in which position it is better to become pregnant, completely depends on you and your partner.

The most common advice for those who want to get pregnant is the "birch" posture after sex. The advice is not without sense, because in this situation a woman can save the maximum amount of sperm. If it is difficult for you to keep your legs raised, lie down so that you lean your feet against the wall. Or just bend your legs to the abdomen lying on your back - this pose is no less effective and much easier to perform.

Other ways to increase the likelihood of conception

In the case when there are no significant health problems, almost any poses will work, but getting pregnant with uterine bending , erosion and other diseases is more difficult. In any case, you should not rely solely on postures, increase your chances of conceiving a child with the help of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, if necessary take multivitamin complexes, try not to overwork and avoid stress. Both partners are advised to go through a comprehensive medical examination, to treat chronic diseases (if any). They will benefit from general strengthening procedures and moderate physical activity.