Infertility in men - symptoms

It is generally believed that infertility is, as a rule, a female problem. In fact, this is far from the case. Infertility in men is also common, and the symptoms of the disease can not be detected.

Diagnosis of infertility in men

The first and, perhaps, the only signs of infertility in men - is the absence of partner's pregnancy. There is no physical indisposition, excretions or other symptoms of male infertility.

The essence of the official definition of male infertility is the inability of a sexually mature man to procreate. In other words, if during the year of a regular unprotected sex life the partner does not become pregnant, then infertility can be diagnosed. Of course, provided that such a diagnosis is not put to a woman.

Check for infertility male can be in any hospital or clinic, where the doctor andrologist takes. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult an endocrinologist or sex therapist. Analyzes for infertility in men consist in the study of sperm on the number and activity of sperm, patency in the urethra.

Causes of male infertility

It is worth noting that infertility in men is of several types:

  1. Immune infertility appears, as a rule, due to mechanical trauma - with this type of infertility, the body involuntarily begins to produce antibodies to spermatozoa, which excludes fertilization.
  2. Secretionless infertility is most often the result of past illnesses or a wrong lifestyle (smoking, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, lack of mobility) - a test for infertility of this type in men usually shows a low activity of spermatozoa, their lack of quantity or irregular formation.
  3. Obstructive infertility is associated with the obstruction of the vas deferens - the impossibility of sperm movement is explained by the pathology of development of the accessory genital glands or the transferred disease.

Identify male infertility, as a consequence of trauma, infection or disruption of the endocrine system, and appoint an appropriate treatment can only an experienced doctor. Therefore, at the first suspicions it is better to immediately seek medical help. Each specialist will say that the disease at an early stage is always easier to treat than a neglected form.