Table for planning the sex of the child

Today there is hardly a girl who would not have heard anything about the table for the sex of the child. These methods are used by modern women to find out who they have in their tummy. Therefore, without waiting for the first ultrasound, which is difficult to establish the sex of the fetus, women are mistaken for alternative methods.

Chinese method of planning the sex of the future baby

The Chinese table for planning the sex of the child was compiled long ago, back in the time of the ancient emperors. It was used not universally and not by everyone, but only by representatives of the upper classes. According to one version, it was found in one of the ancient burials.

The planning of sex according to such a table makes it possible to determine with a high degree of probability who will be born to a woman. When working with her, you must know exactly the date of birth of both parents. At the intersection of the vertical and horizontal columns is the answer. According to numerous reviews, this method is not 100% reliable. However, this does not reduce its popularity.

Japanese method of planning the sex of the baby

When planning the sex of the child according to the Japanese table, the so-called "family number" is first established. To learn it, you must enter the dates of birth of future dad and mother in the table. At the intersection of 2 columns there will be a figure, which is the "family number". After this, the obtained value is substituted into the second table. There, at the intersection of the first and the anticipated month of conception, a woman will see the sex of the baby she is carrying.

With this method, the sex of the child takes place long before the onset of pregnancy. However, this method can hardly be called highly informative. Despite this, many of the girls, already becoming moms, confirm that it was with the help of these tables that they learned the sex of their baby even before they were told it on ultrasound .

Thus, both of the above methods of planning the sex of the unborn child have a right to exist. However, you should not rely entirely on them. It is best to wait for the moment when the ultrasound to the future parents will know who they expect . However, often even after repeated carrying out of ultrasonic research, the child is born opposite to the predicted sex. Therefore, no table when planning the sex of the unborn child can guarantee 100% certainty.