Aggregation of spermatozoa

Aggregation of spermatozoa is a feature of sperm, in which spermatozoa are "glued" into lumps and clots. It can arise for various reasons, in some cases it may be a variant of the norm, and in some cases it may be a sign of the disease. As a rule, aggregation is detected when spermogram is given, and it is a factor of concern to men.

Aggregation in spermogram

Aggregation of spermatozoa is their gluing with any other cells that are present in the sperm. It can be mucus, epithelium, other types of cells. Aggregation of spermatozoa with cellular debris is the adherence of sperms to the remnants of obsolete cells. Aggregation as a phenomenon is due to the physico-chemical properties of sperm and can arise in a variety of situations. For example, in some cases, the aggregation of spermatozoa with mucus can be noted against a background of inflammation or sexual infection.

As a rule, the aggregation in itself of the fertility of the sperm, that is, the ability of fertilization with the sperm of the egg, does not affect. In any case, not the same as another violation - agglutination - when it comes to gluing spermatozoa among themselves, caused by a serious malfunction in the body, including immune. In addition, it is not accompanied by severe disturbances in the motility of spermatozoa, unless, of course, we are talking about a pronounced aggregation, in which literally all spermatozoa are glued together with mucus or epithelium.

In most cases, the aggregation of spermatozoa is caused by the presence of mucus in the semen, so the treatment of the disorder, if it is required, is primarily aimed at the normalization of sexual health, the removal of inflammation or the treatment of infection. After taking the necessary course a repeated spermogram is prescribed. If, as a result of the research, aggregation is the only violation, it means that the man is fertile, and the reason why the couple can not become pregnant is hidden in the other.

To identify pathologies that affect men's health, as well as the likelihood of conception, it is necessary to consider the spermogram in combination with the rest of the indicators, to analyze the degree of deviation. In addition, in some cases, additional research is needed to accurately diagnose. That's why only a doctor can prescribe the treatment and give predictions for the aggregation of spermatozoa.