Before and after: these 15 stars can not be recognized after the work of a personal stylist!

Do you think that a personal stylist for a star is a waste of time and money, something that can easily be handled in our own time?

But we are ready to argue why they collected 15 proofs of how our beloved celebrities have changed, since then, they hired a personal assistant to monitor the appearance ...

1. Bradley Cooper

Still, it's great that the actor did not trust his own taste and took advice from an intelligent stylist!

2. Kristen Stewart

And today the eccentric vampire does not even know it at all!

3. Scarlett Johansson

It seems that the actress had to pay the stylist a double fee!

4. Kim Kardashian

Did you think the TV channel was so well-groomed due to its own sense of style?

5. Chris Pratt

The result, as they say, on the face!

6. Taylor Swift

From the simpleton to the style icon!

7. Kelly Osborne

It turns out that an outrageous teenager can also be pacified?

8. Emma Stone

Today we can not imagine it any more!

9. Blake Lively

Are you joking? We do not believe our eyes!

10. Zac Efron

Give us the number of this wizard!

11. Sisters Olsen

A personal stylist is necessary even for designers!

12. Emma Watson

And there is no age here!

13. Tom Hardy

True, it's high time it was?

14. Jennifer Lawrence

The perfect cut diamond!

15. Adele

Well, did we convince you?