How to plan a child's sex?

A boy or girl born with a woman waiting for a baby is a curious question. It is easily resolved by ultrasound examination after the 20th week of pregnancy. But at this time to influence the result is no longer possible. Therefore, many parents are interested in whether it is possible to plan the sex of the unborn child before conception, how to do it. There are such ways. And although none of them gives a guaranteed result, each couple can try to apply them in their lives.

Firstly, it should be said that future parents can apply to special medical institutions, where they will be helped, using modern technologies. It's quite expensive. In addition, the couple will have to abandon the traditional sexual intercourse for the conception of the child.

If you want to get pregnant in the usual way, then for you there are also methods by which you can try to influence whether you have a son or daughter.

What determines the sex of the unborn child?

Fertilization occurs when the egg meets the sperm, which is the carrier of either the X chromosome or Y. The first is female, the second is male. So, it depends on its type, it will be a daughter or a son.

The surest way to influence the sex of the unborn child is to correlate the date of ovulation with the time of sexual intercourse (the effectiveness of the method is 85%). The fact is that spermatozoa with chromosome-Y (male) are faster and less tenacious than carriers of the X-chromosome, which, accordingly, reach the site of fertilization later. Proceeding from this, experts advise a couple who wants to conceive a boy, have sex on the day of ovulation. So, spermatozoa with Y-chromosome earlier reach the egg and fertilize it. When parents want a girl, then sex should be three to four days before ovulation. There will be the following: "male" spermatozoa will die, and carriers of Y-chromosomes, just wait for the release of the egg.

In order to take advantage of this method of planning, a woman needs to know the time of ovulation. The date is calculated by adding to the first day of the last ovulation 14 (for a standard menstrual cycle lasting 28 days).

Some parents use the Chinese table to determine the time of conception to plan the sex of the child. This takes into account the age of the mother and the month of fertilization.

There is also a Japanese method, the reliability of which is said to reach 80%. According to him, you need to work with two tables. The first determines the total number of the pair. For this, we find in the table the month of birth of father and mother. From them we conduct two lines down and to the right. At the intersection we get the so-called code number. Knowing it, turn to the second table. We find our number and see that each month of conception corresponds to its number X. The more of them, the more likely the birth of a son or daughter. It only remains for parents to choose a month.

The method of blood renewal is popular. But it is not considered scientific. According to experts, its reliability is only 2%. The method is based on the fact that the blood of a person is updated with a certain periodicity. In men, once in four years, in women - in three. A parent with more young blood affects the sex of the child. If the last update was for a future mother, then a girl is born, if the pope has a boy. For calculations take the age of each of the parents and divide: 3 - for a woman, 4 for a man. Who has less balance, he and "younger." It should be borne in mind that serious blood loss (injuries, surgeries, childbirth) also lead to renewal.

There are other ways to affect the sex of the child before conception. For example, having sex in certain poses or following a strict diet before conception. But they all cause doubt among specialists and do not give a guarantee of more than 50%.

If you decide, the question of how to plan a child's sex, regardless of whether you want a boy or a girl, know that a person can not always influence the end result. Believe that Mother Nature always acts wisely, and love your children.