Egg of a woman

Back in school, we were told that the birth of a new life occurs as a result of a meeting of the ovum and sperm. Therefore, the functions of the egg in the life of every woman is difficult to overestimate. It is from the quantity and quality of the eggs that female reproductive health depends.

Where does the egg form?

Egg cells are formed in the ovarian follicles. The ovaries are in the lower region of the abdominal cavity: one is on the right side and the other is on the left side. The follicles form in the ovaries of the girl in the womb, and at the time of birth, their number is about 1.5 million. During life, the number of eggs is not replenished, but, on the contrary, is constantly reduced.


The process of egg formation is called oogenesis. Oogenesis can be divided into three stages:

  1. Reproduction of follicles (occurs when the girl is in the womb of the mother).
  2. Growth of follicles (from birth to puberty).
  3. Egg maturation (starting with puberty).

At the stage of maturation should be discussed in more detail. The development of the egg begins on the first day of the month, when it is still surrounded by the follicle. Initially, the size of the follicle is about 1-2 millimeters. In the matured form, the size of the egg in the follicle is already about 20 millimeters. Approximately on the 14th day of the cycle, the egg ripens. The moment when the egg leaves the follicle comes. After that, she begins to move along the fallopian tube towards the sperm. The process of egg release is called ovulation.

The vitality of an ovule after ovulation is no more than 24 hours, with the passage of which the chances of fertilization are constantly decreasing. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies. Normally, during each cycle, a woman gets one egg each.

How to improve the quality of the egg?

Unfortunately, this frequently asked question is often left unanswered. As a rule, it is impossible to improve the quality of eggs, the main thing is to ensure that this quality does not deteriorate. After all, women's eggs exist in her body all her life, during which they are affected by a variety of negative factors. Among them - stresses, bad ecology, bad habits and so on.

In order not to provoke a deterioration in the quality of the egg cells of a woman, it should be: