Reproductive age

Reproductive age is the time when a woman can give birth to a child, and a man is able to fertilize it. Physiologically, this is possible from the first menstruation to the onset of menopause. It is usually considered that this time is from 15 to 49 years. But in reality this age is much less, because you need to take into account also the psychological readiness, the features of the development of the organism and even sex. In women and men, the age features of the reproductive system differ in different ways. Therefore, usually the ability to conceive a child is considered individually.

Most often it is believed that the best reproductive age for both men and women is from 20 to 35 years. At this time, the person is fully formed and psychologically ready for parenting. But theoretically, a woman can give birth to a healthy child in 14-15 years, and also in 50. And a man can become a father both in 15 and in 60 years. But in reality the time when a person is able to conceive a child in women is limited to 10 years, and in men about 20. Specialists distinguish several periods of childbearing age.

Early reproductive age in women

It is believed that a woman can conceive a child from the beginning of menstruation. Yes, indeed, the egg is already ready for fertilization, but the young girl's unformed organism is most often unable to tolerate a healthy baby. In most cases of early pregnancy complications occur, more severe toxemia and the risk of miscarriage. Children of these mothers develop worse and gain weight more slowly. In addition, at this age the woman is still not psychologically ready for motherhood. Therefore, the time from the first menstruation to 20 years is called the early reproductive age.

The best time for the birth of a child

Most doctors, talking about what it means to reproductive age, have in mind the time from 20 to 35 years. During this period, most women are able to tolerate a healthy child, because they are young, full of strength and have a normal hormonal background. Their body is fully formed and ready for motherhood. Of great importance is also the psychological maturity of expectant mothers and their ability to take responsibility for their child.

Late reproductive age

After 35 years, most women experience extinction of sexual functions, the production of hormones decreases and health deteriorates. Of course, this does not happen to everyone, but most doctors are not recommended to give birth. Late reproductive age is the time when a woman is still physiologically capable of conceiving a child, but the danger of developing complications and genetic abnormalities in the development of the baby, for example, Down's syndrome , is great. With age, this possibility increases, which is associated with hormonal imbalance and a general deterioration in health. By the age of 45-50, menopause occurs in women, and conception becomes impossible.

Reproductive age of a man

In connection with the characteristics of the male body, a favorable time for conception is slightly greater than that of women. A man is able to become a father at the age of 15, and the production of spermatozoa, although slowing down after 35 years, but can last up to 60 years of age. But most specialists limit the optimal reproductive age of men to the same framework as women: from 20 to 35 years. Only at this time an actively releasing hormone testosterone provides a normal amount and motility of spermatozoa.

Modern women are increasingly interested in the question of how to extend the reproductive age. But since the childbearing function is associated with the hormonal background, it often does not depend on the person's desire. To prevent hormonal disruptions , you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and try not to take some drugs without prescribing a doctor.

All families who want to have a child need to know what the reproductive age means. This will help them avoid problems with conception and pregnancy, and also give birth to a healthy child.