Imodium is an analogue

Perhaps the most popular remedy for indigestion to date is Imodium. The drug is indeed very effective and fast acting. But is this medicine safe, as the manufacturer claims? Let's take a closer look at what Imodium is and what kind of analogue it can be.

Which is better - Imodium or Loperamide?

The main active substance in Imodium is loperamide. It affects the intestinal receptors, reducing the motor function of this organ. Loperamide also blocks the anal sphincter, as a result of which the urge to defecate ceases and the contents of the intestine remain in it. On the one hand, everything is fine, we got rid of diarrhea. But on the other hand, the toxins and bacteria that caused stomach upset continue to remain in the body. Here are the main disadvantages of loperamide and drugs, in which it is included:

It is for this reason that Imodium is not recommended for treatment of children under 5 years of age, and in older age therapy is carried out with caution. But the creators of the drug did their best to reduce the likelihood of side effects. Namely - added to the composition simethicone. This substance has a defoaming function and acts as a light antiseptic. This inert surface-active compound reduces flatulence, colic and other unpleasant symptoms.

Loperamide is an analogue of Imodium, it is a substance of the same name and does not contain simethicone, therefore Imodium is safer than this medicine.

What else can replace Imodium?

One of the best anti-diarrheal remedies is Linex. In its composition - living bacteria that help to regulate the microflora of the intestine and thus normalize its work. This tool does not act as fast as Imodium, but it is completely safe and can be used even in the treatment of children under one year. If you are thinking about what is better - Lineks, or Imodium, you need to take into account the specifics of each of these tools. The first one will help improve the microflora and speed up the rehabilitation, the second one is shown for use in Emergency cases, when this is the only way to avoid dehydration.

Another popular remedy for the treatment of digestive problems is Smecta . It is unambiguous to say that it is better - Smecta, or Imodium, it is impossible, to compare these two drugs is not correct at all. Smecta is primarily used to treat the stomach - heartburn, gastritis, relieving symptoms of stomach ulcers. It has adsorbent and enveloping functions, this drug has almost no effect on intestinal motility. But, nevertheless, some anti-diarrheal action of Smect is due to the fact that hitting the digestive tract becomes a mucus that absorbs toxins and bacteria.