Red brush - medical properties for women

A red brush, this plant was nicknamed because of branched bristly roots, and also for the purple-pink color of the inflorescences, which is caused by the content of such coloring substances as anthocyanins and betaines. A distinctive red shade is also found in preparations made from a plant. In folk medicine, the healing properties of a red brush are used primarily for the treatment of reproductive system diseases and hormonal failures in women.

What is the use of a red brush for women?

For medicinal purposes, the roots of the plant are used. They have pronounced immunomodulatory, tonic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, promotes normalization of blood pressure, hemopoiesis (increases hemoglobin, normalizes the blood formula) and endocrine systems.

Thus, the use of a red brush for women is due to a whole range of useful properties. The impact on the endocrine system contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background and helps in the fight against infertility. In the case of gynecological diseases, anti-inflammatory as well as antimicrobial and antifungal properties of the plant play a more important role, since such problems often have a fungal or bacterial nature.

Indications for the use of a red brush for women

The plant is suitable for treating such conditions:

  1. Endometriosis. A red brush in the form of a decoction is taken orally, and also used for douching. Helps to eliminate inflammation and accelerate the resorption of adhesions.
  2. Climax. Preparations of the plant are taken orally in the form of broths or alcohol tinctures, to normalize the hormonal background , courses up to 2 months.
  3. When treating female infertility. Used water broths of red brushes, which drink in the second phase of the cycle (14-28 days after menstruation), which stimulates ovulation.

Also, the red brush is used in the form of douching:

Broth of a red brush with hormonal failure in women


Preparation and use

Vegetable raw materials are poured with water and boiled for 10 minutes on a small fire, under a tightly closed lid. Insist for at least an hour, after which filter and take throughout the day, dividing the ready-made broth for 3 doses. In the absence of allergic reactions in the broth, you can add honey. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the disease and can range from 2 weeks to 2 months.

Red brush - syringing solution


Preparation and use

Water for the solution should be well boiled and cooled to a comfortable temperature, after which it is added to the broth and tincture. In case of intolerance of the alcohol component or a negative reaction, you can limit yourself only to the root broth. Douching is done in the morning and in the evening, for 7 days.

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, the combination of a red toothbrush with a borax uterus is more effective. When administered orally, the effect is enhanced when combined with other natural adaptogens (leuzea, eleutherococcus, zamaniha, aralia).

A red brush can not be taken simultaneously with such herbs as:

Also, one should not use preparations based on a red brush with hormonal contraceptives. This herb is contraindicated in pregnancy and hypotension.