Hair on the nipples

Some women carefully hide the fact that they have nipples growing their hair, trying to get rid of excess "vegetation" in all possible ways. Of course, one can understand this position, because a woman's breast is not only an organ intended for feeding a child. But the most erogenous part of the female body, which plays an important role in the aesthetic perception of women of the opposite sex. Therefore growing hair around the nipples become a real problem, generating an inferiority complex and difficulties in personal life.

We will not "walk away" from the difficulties, and try to figure out what the reason for the appearance of hair in a place so unusual for them.

Why do the nipples grow hair?

Every girl is worried about the appearance and health of her breasts, which is quite logical, taking into account the entire degree of responsibility entrusted to this body. Therefore, the appearance of hair around the nipples in women will not go unnoticed. Thus, the body tries to convey that there have been certain failures that require urgent measures.

The most common cause of hair growth on the nipples in girls are hormonal disorders: in the female body there are androgens, if their number for some reason increases, outwardly it manifests itself in the form of increased "vegetation". In this regard, every woman facing this problem, you need to contact a specialist, take an analysis for hormones and, based on the results, begin treatment.

There is also another reason why hair grows around and on the nipples. This is the increased sensitivity of androgen receptors, which is due to genetic predisposition. In this case, the aesthetic problem can be solved in a cosmetology room.

What if the nipples of a woman grow hair?

Depending on what was the root cause of the growth of unwanted hair, the methods of combating such a non-aesthetic phenomenon are also different.

So, if the reason for the appearance of hair is a violation of the hormonal background , then the doctor prescribes a special hormone therapy.

If hormones are normal, then treatment is not required. Since in this case it is not a health threat. And that the external feature does not cause inconvenience, you can try to get rid of it. The duration of the effect of hair removal methods on the nipples vary:

  1. An old and proven method of removing unwanted hair is with tweezers. However, it has some drawbacks. First, the pull-out procedure can be very painful, and secondly, the effect of the procedure will be short-lived. After a couple of weeks, unwanted hairs on the nipples appear again.
  2. Cream for hair removal . A modern alternative to a razor and shaving machines. The cream penetrates the skin and affects the hair shaft, damaging its structure. After that, the hair is easily cleaned with a regular sponge. With caution use this tool is necessary for those individuals, who have very sensitive skin and a high susceptibility to allergic reactions.
  3. Electrolysis and hair removal with wax. Both methods give good results and lasting effect, however they are rather painful.
  4. With the help of electrolysis, the problem of unwanted hair is solved once and for all.
  5. A couple of sessions of laser hair removal will quickly and painlessly forget about unnecessary "vegetation".
  6. After consulting a mammologist, you can use a modern and radical method to remove hair - photoepilation.