How to cure cystitis once and for all?

The question of how to cure cystitis once and for all is quite often heard by doctors from women. It should immediately be noted that this kind of disorder is an inflammatory process in the bladder, which can only be muffled for a while. In other words, in the presence of favorable factors for pathogenic microorganisms, which are always found in the genitourinary system in a small amount, cystitis can arise again. That is why to answer the question of how to get rid of cystitis forever and completely cure it, absolutely all medical specialists are hampered. However, a woman can prevent the development of the disease, following certain rules.

Is it possible to cure cystitis forever?

As already mentioned above, it is almost impossible to do this. Part of this fact is due to the structure of the female genitourinary system. In view of the presence of a large number of folded mucous membranes, closely located reservoirs of the infection (rectum), cystitis can occur almost at any time.

What should I do to get rid of cystitis?

Treatment of cystitis should always be systematic. First of all, it is necessary to undergo a survey. At the same time the scheme of diagnostic measures is strictly individual, however in most cases it involves the passage of tests for STI, hepatitis, herpes. With chronic cystitis, cystoscopy is often prescribed .

At the first appearance of symptoms of a violation, you should immediately consult a doctor. With the diagnosis of "cystitis" is rare when treatment is dispensed with without prescribing antibacterial drugs. It is very important in this case to take into account the type of pathogen, for the purpose of determining which is prescribed a smear from the urethra. Among the most frequently used can be identified Monural, Nolitsin, Palin, Furagin. At the same time, they prescribe drugs for maintaining the microflora of the vagina: Lactogin, Vagilak, Gynoflora, Ecofemin. The frequency, dosage and duration of administration should be indicated only by the doctor.

Cure chronic cystitis forever, such methods as folk remedies are unlikely to succeed, but some recipes show an excellent result in the composition of complex therapy.

So, for example, you can take black currant leaves, alternating, sage in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. Herbs are mixed, and to prepare the broth take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, fill it in a thermos, pour boiling water in a volume of 1L. Insist 1 night, after which the decoction is decanted, and take 100 ml 4 times per day for 1 week.