The abdomen of the woman hurts

Pain sensations are always a signal of trouble in the body. If the abdomen has a pain in a woman, then this should be paid special attention, because it can signal a serious problem. When the abdomen is very sore, do not hesitate to visit a doctor - gynecologist, therapist, surgeon - to the doctor who can either make a correct diagnosis or refer it to the appropriate specialist.

The lower abdomen is causing

So, consider the situation when a girl has a stomach ache. Naturally, the first question in this case will be, because of what it happens. Let's list the possible reasons why the bottom of the abdomen is noisy.

  1. Premenstrual syndrome. Often unpleasant sensations in the abdomen are associated with the approaching menstruation. Soreness occurs from time to time, sharply in the right or left side (depending on the ovary in which the follicle ripens in the current month), gradually shifts downwards and lasts 2-3 days. Sometimes it becomes worse when walking.
  2. Inflammation of female genital organs. As a rule, this type of causes is accompanied by smearing excreta.
  3. Intestinal obstruction. Obstruction can concern both to thin, and to a thick intestine. Soreness in this case becomes permanent, since the intestine is greatly stretched, and ischemia of the vessels arises in its walls.
  4. Renal colic caused by the deposition of stones in the ureter. In this case, not only the lower part of the abdomen, but also the corresponding leg (thigh) can hurt. The analysis of urine can show an increase in the level of leukocytes, red blood cells, bacteria, and palpation of the area of ​​the location of the kidneys confirms that the problem lies precisely in this paired organ.
  5. Retention of urine. This can also be said by the swelling of the area below the navel and the cutting character of pain sensations. It is important as soon as possible to establish a catheter and to identify the causes of diuresis.
  6. Neurological disorders, as a cause of illness or injury.
  7. Glistular invasion, which is very difficult to diagnose.
  8. Inflammation of the appendix, which manifests itself also in the form of nausea, vomiting, a sudden increase in body temperature.
  9. Adhesions in the abdominal region.
  10. Hemorrhoids.
  11. Ectopic pregnancy, which can be called one of the most dangerous problems. If the girl suspects that she may be pregnant, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist if there is an alarming symptomatology. Remember that ectopic pregnancy develops as quickly as the uterus, and therefore, with the attachment and growth of the fetal egg in the fallopian tube, dangerous bleeding threatening health can occur.

What should I do if I strongly pull the lower abdomen?

If a woman pulls the lower abdomen before the menstrual period, you can just take no-shpu or another antispasmodic. If discomfort does not pass, you need to turn to a gynecologist, to exclude any gynecological disease. For this, ultrasound diagnosis of pelvic organs is usually performed.

If the gynecologist has not identified the reasons for the lower abdominal pain in women, then it is necessary in his direction, or independently, to consult a therapist who can determine what the problem is. It is important to pass all the necessary tests to make the diagnosis as accurate as possible.

Running a disease, or trying to heal yourself without setting a clear diagnosis can be very dangerous. A woman should be extremely attentive to her health. The most incorrect approach can be called taking pain medications, as this will not help to solve the problem, but will only lubricate the symptomatology.